John 13: 34-35  Jesus said “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another”

1 John 3:18 supports this: “…..Let us not love in word or lip service only, but in deed (action) and in truth”

Within the Body of Christ, the Church of today, sadly we find many lost sheep – “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, (Jeremiah 50:6, Matthew 10:6).  There are so many divisions that have crippled many Believers.  Jesus Christ has been misrepresented by the Church who claim to know Him, yet do not walk in His ways or demonstrate His selfless love.  Their self love denies the truth of the words they speak, as a spoken word is hollow if not fulfilled by action.   Careless words, or words spoken in anger have also compounded the damage producing wounded Christians in a web of unforgiveness.  What falsehood is demonstrated in Christ’s ambassadors to a dying world!

Let us also thank God for every fountain found in His people that produces sweet water and feeds the broken world, leading people to Jesus and discipling them.  But how many Christians are seeking to evangelise people without fulfilling the commandment of Jesus we have mentioned here?  We should meditate on the words of Jesus in John 17 regarding the unity He requires of His Church.  This is always current in every relationship we have.  It is not an option but a pre-requisite in walking in all the fullness of God.  Some may think that because they have been used of God to lead some to Christ, that their lives must be in order for God to use them.  Wrong!  The gifts and calling of God are without His repentance, (Romans 11:29).  When God blesses, it is for His glory and purpose alone.  It is not His will for any to perish, (2Peter 3:9).  Only the Holy Spirit of God can convict and draw a man to the Saviour.  His gift of evangelism can operate through any person, at any time when Christ is indwelling.  It does not mean the person being used in evangelism is perfect in all his ways, but God will go to any length to save a soul from hell.  Only He knows when the soul is ripe to receive salvation.  All the credit is to God alone, we are just vessels to be used for His glory.

For the hurting, the damaged, the broken, the crippled, the wayward Christians, there is always a way back to God.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks those who feel left behind, by the wayside, either by their own wrong choices or who have felt let down by other Christians.  Now is your appointed time to respond to the Saviour seeking to heal your wounds and brokenness.  In the valley He will restore your soul.  He lays out His table of provisions in your wilderness to feed on Him and build you up.  Only a deeper, personal walk with Him will strengthen and enable you to walk the journey at His side, confident in His ability to prove He is who He says He is.  I AM THAT I AM!

2 Samuel 14:14  “……….He devises means that the banished are not expelled from Him”  God makes a way where there is no way, but it is only through His Son, Jesus Christ and His teachings.  Only the indwelling Christ can enable us to live this Christian life.  As I humble myself where His Holy Spirit directs, as I die to self, He lives in me……..and the life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me, (Galatians 2:20).

May each of us respond to the challenge :  “By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another”  I cannot be one with the Father, if I have fallen out with my fellow men.  When I am truly one with my Father, only then can my heart be right with yours.  Even if another refuses my advances for forgiveness and unity, I must still keep my heart right towards them, blessing and not condemning, but ever walking on with my Saviour, enjoying His presence on the journey with His gift of joy.  The joy of the Lord does not depend on happenings, but is evidenced by the hallmark of His presence when doing the Father’s will.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash