The governments and so called super powers of the world have no understanding of what God is about, (Psalm 2). They have no knowledge that the Lord, the greatest power, sits in the heavens and laughs at their attempts at control, (verse 4). Our security is in the Lord, the God of His Word. He will bring to pass exactly what His Book, the Bible, has prophesied. In finality, God is in control, and “the government is on His shoulder”……(Isaiah 9: 6-7) God will establish it in His zeal and purpose. Our all powerful, all knowing God, is the Creator and everything that comes against Him will be dross. We are nowhere near big enough to fully understand God, but are called to trust Him. As we learn to trust and obey, a measure of light and understanding is given incrementally as we learn that God is, who His word says He is.
Psalm 2:12 “Kiss the Son……..blessed are all they that put their trust in Him” As we trust, we inherit the promise of God’s blessing.
The Lord spoke a clear word to us this morning, following our worship singing “Thou blessed Rock of Ages, I’m trusting in Thee”:
This is the word our Heavenly Father gave: “Your God is in control. The only fear you should have is the fear of your God. Within that fear is respect, reverence, and security that I have chosen you before the foundation of the world, before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you. Everything is panning out as I have ordained. Fear not, for My love overrules all things. What I have accomplished will come to pass in your understanding, as you walk close to Me”
We have to choose to allow God to have the last word, the only word that matters amongst the many voices of this world, the information highway of Google, or any other voices of the media that birth fear. We are not called to be crusaders of all that is wrong, there are enough caped crusaders in the world! Our greatest concern should be to learn to trust God and rest in the knowledge of His character. When we recognise that He is not only the God of suddenlys, but also of completion and totality. All the concerns of our heart fall into place in our Father’s love for us and in the knowledge of His omnipotence. He is the “Author and Finisher”, the “Beginning and the End” In this knowledge we can rest in Him, worship and enjoy our day. Fear not!
The first two books of 1 Samuel record the account of the woman, Hannah, pouring out her distress before the Lord at her barren womb. She prayed earnestly for a son, declaring that if He blessed her with one, she would give him to the Lord, to grow in the knowledge of God and serve Him all his days. God heard her cry and blessed her with the child, Samuel. As we follow Samuel’s life through scripture, we note that he lived closely to God and became greatly used of Him as a major prophet.
Hannah carried a great burden of barenness before the Lord answered her plea. In our day, many Believers have experienced a measure of barenness, not in their relationship with the Lord Jesus, or our ever growing experience of Him, but in the fulfilment of His word to us in our birthright of fulness. Through many trials and difficulties, joys and sorrows, our journey with the Lord has brought us through to be where we are today. By God’s grace and mercy, we have left a lot of baggage behind that encumbered our walk. We have learnt along the way that “we limited the Holy One” and God, in His great love for us, lovingly chastised us and delivered us from so much. The greatest challenge to be continually delivered from is our self love…….(nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done). Yet, here we are, like Hannah, aware of a barenness of ourselves, without Him, we can do nothing……But God has placed a desire in us for the much more He has promised. Let us stay expectant, waiting to see “the arm of the Lord revealed” in these last days we are so privileged to be a part of. The vision is glorious and we can choose to be a part in it: conformed to the image of His Son. Christ in you, Christ, the hope of glory!
God makes a rebel a priest and a king, all for His glory. Fear not! Our barenness will disappear as we do, allowing the King of Glory His rule in our hearts and lives, abandoned to His service. The lively stones must finally come together after being prepared by the Master Builder. The Father will answer Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17: “…….That they may be one, as we are one” …..conformed to the image of His Son. Our lives will comply with His standards when every member takes his place in the Body, and is in submission to the Head, Jesus Christ. Oh! What a day, a glorious day that will be!
When the old priest, Eli, prophesied to Hannah that God would grant her petition for a child, she believed God’s word and was no longer sad. Before she returned home, she worshipped in faith, thankfulness and rest. Her grief was replaced by expectancy before she conceived. Let us rest in God’s promises for the fulfilment of His word, pregnant with expectancy, faithful stewards, worshipping in the mundane and the ordinary things of our lives, yet also anticipating excitedly the unseen we have yet to see and experience. How great is our God! What He has declared shall surely come to pass. Live close.
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash