Hebrews 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much more, as ye see the day approaching.”
This word from the Lord exhorts us to gather together in His name because it is meaningful and important to Him, and therefore to us, for our benefit. Even more so as the “day” approaches, the soon coming of the Lord. There are often many obstacles and excuses that could prevent our assembling together, but if we gather in simple obedience to His word, God will honour it.
Is there anything more important than being together in His presence? Our choice is pleasing to God as we gather together. We come by faith, expectant, as unto the Lord in our various communities.
Whatsoever we put our faith into, God will honour, as a man walks with his God. We come together, not to get into His presence, but to be an expression of it, to the glory of God. We should be carriers of His presence. Is the Holy Spirit of God comfortable in me, inhabiting me with His presence? God has placed within us a wonderful Holy Ghost thermostat: His peace. When the peace of God within me is disturbed, it is an indicator that something is wrong. My peace “bubble” triggers a godly warning to seek God in the situation for His direction and restoration of His peace level in my being. He is my Guide in life.
In Acts 7:38, Paul refers to Moses leading the journeying Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land as being the “church in the wilderness.” They were assembled together by compulsion, they had no choice. We, the New Testament Church, are under the New Covenant. We have a choice whether we assemble together, or not, “as is the manner of some,” Hebrews 10:25.
What does the “assembling of ourselves together” really mean? I meet with God on His terms, not mine. Some relationships are a one way street. One man said “I once knew God as Father Christmas, wanting everything to come my way. I didn’t know God as God in my foolish heart, but the Lord revealed to me that He is Father God, not Father Christmas.” This is a two way street, a two way relationship.
Is there a place where gathering together before the Lord is enough? It satisfies my soul. God comes alongside of our choice and enables us to function and be comfortable in His presence in our Gathering, but also in our everyday life. As we gather together the Lord brings revelation for daily living.
We are walking miracles having received the life of the Son of God within us. When we are assembled together we express our gratitude to the Lord from the overflow of His abundance in our hearts. If the Lord wants to manifest Himself supernaturally in our Gathering, we are expectant, but we are not going to insult the Holy Spirit by trying to conjure something up!
Our two way relationship with the Lord is a two sided covenant. This is where sovereignty and human responsibility meet:
What MUST God do that I cannot do? (Sovereignty)
What MUST I do in choice, that God WON’T do? (Human responsibility)
The Living God wants us to partner with Him!……….in all areas of our lives……..but in this matter, “let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together,” for His glory and His purposes in our lives.