Psalm 86:10 David cried out to the Lord, “Teach me Thy way, O Lord, I will walk in Thy truth: unite my heart to fear Thy name.” David recognised his divided heart needed to be UNITED with the Lord’s. It is impossible for my life to glorify God with a divided heart. Only God can unite my heart to His, but what must I do?


What must God do because I cannot? What must I do, in responsibility, that God won’t do? God will not unite salt water with fresh!
If I refuse to deal with my part, God will not unite my heart with His.

There are times when we have been guilty of extremism. When I err on the extreme of sovereignty, I see God as so great that I have to do nothing in responsibility….so nothing happens! On the other hand, I can err on the extreme of responsibility and believe nothing is happening so I will “help” God out and “do an Abraham job” and produce an “Ishmael” with all it’s dire, man-made consequences.

So where does my responsibility lie as only God can unite my heart to His? God is not looking for passivity, but He is looking for unconditional surrender. Only I can do that in the place of God’s choosing. God does not need me to keep going to Him with my good ideas, birthed from eating from the wrong Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, (Genesis 3). The Lord Jesus is the Tree of Life and He is my life source. His eternal words beckon me, “Come unto Me….,” Matthew 11:28-30.

God looks on the inner man of the heart. My murmuring proves my heart is not united with God’s. If my heart is dysfunctional then my life will also be. The Holy Spirit of God only witnesses to truth and He will show me the difference between cause and consequence as I surrender to Him and His workings. My dysfunctional life has a root cause where it is operating in unbelief instead of trusting what God says. God’s word is truth. Unbelief leads to dysfunction.

When God begins to press me out of my comfort zone, then the condition of my heart is revealed. The analogy of the mother eagle here is helpful. When her chicks are grown and ready to learn to fly, she tears the nest up and the young birds are pushed out of the comfort of the nest where everything has been provided for them. Their world is turned upside down but only when they are pushed out of the nest, their comfort zone, do they find their wings and learn to fly. So it is with us. God is constant in His desire for us to move out, at His bidding, to new horizons where we will learn to trust Him more to keep us in a state of absolute dependency on Him, the Living God.

Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Faith is living and active. Every day I should be exercised in it to please God. God wants to lead us out of our comfort zones into a bigger dimension of Him – out of “measure” into “fullness.” There is so much more to life than we have experienced in God. We have a “much more” salvation!

The wisdom of God confounds the wise in this world. If you have counted yourself out because of your baseness, unwillingness
and weakness, then read again 1 Corinthians 1:25 – 31. These are the very qualifications that God can use to make a vessel of honour from, for His glory! God’s strength can be perfected in your weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9″…My strength is made perfect in weakness.” God demands I recognise my weakness and present it to Him for His divine exchange in my life – surrender of my imperfection to the power of the Indwelling Christ operating for His kingdom purposes, by His love and light, to bring glory to the Father.

God does much with little,
Most with least,
And everything with nothing!

My “talking ” heart answers God back, tries to have the last word and tells Him all about my “I can’ts”!..displaying a divided heart.

A united heart has only one function and that is to say, “Amen, Lord. Thy will be done!”

“Teach me your way, O Lord; I will walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” AMEN