Among the many attributes of God are patience and long-suffering. James 5:7 “….Behold, the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and has long patience for it…” When we received our salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, the incorruptible seed of God, (1 Peter 1:23), was planted in our hearts. That holy seed is watered and nourished by the Word of God, and the Indwelling Christ brings forth growth and fruit in our lives as we yield to His guidance.

Life’s journey is full of choices and cross-roads. Through them all God is wooing us into a deeper relationship with Him. He leads us out of measure towards fullness, out of permission into His divine purpose for the extension of His kingdom, for His glory. The work can take a lifetime, but walking in humility with the Lord, when I make a choice, can hasten the work.

What I believe rules me and affects all my choices. Beware of heeding the excuses of a heart that is out of order, instead of being guided by the Word of God.


The words seem brutal but are only to be applied to myself, not to be used in judgements of others. The mechanics of our salvation are worked out, and in us, in the School of Life. Our Teacher is the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:12-13 “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”

GOD LOVES ME!….just as I am, He loves me! But He also loves me too much to leave me as I am, unchanged! Out of his great love and compassion for me, He woos me to leave my rut and walk on with Him. So many times we are unwilling to change and God, in His long-suffering and patience, leaves us in the consequences of our choices until we yield to His hand and He works in us to make us willing to do His will, and bring Him “His good pleasure.”

There are times when I may choose the “lesser walk,” we have all done it and come short. God has not left us, nor a measure of His peace, for He promised never to leave us, but the choice has been second best, permission in the long-suffering and patience of God. In the economy of God, He can use it to bring us to a desire for His “much more.”

Consider the account in Abraham’s life when God instructed him to send his son, Ishmael, and Hagar away. Obedience would not have been an easy choice for Abraham. His emotions were not recorded but we can well imagine what Abraham went through. Many of us have birthed “Ishmaels,” suffered the consequences and have feared for them when God has required of us to “put them out.” But God made provision for Ishmael and Hagar in the wilderness, they did not die. God sent an angel to provide water for them and in the fullness of time, Ishmael reached manhood, Genesis 21: 9-21. God cares! God came alongside of Abraham’s choice and made other provision for Ishmael. God’s divine purpose was in Isaac, not Ishmael. Ishmael was the result of moving ahead of God, out of time. God’s timing is perfect. Faith in God includes faith in His timing. It is during our waiting times that we can learn to trust Him.

Song of Solomon 1:8, reminds us of our wonderful Saviour, Jesus… full of joy, running towards us, “The voice of my beloved! He comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.” Tenderly, His voice calls to us in encouragement to follow Him: verses 10-13:

10 “….Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.
11 For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
13 The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. ARISE, MY LOVE, MY FAIR ONE, AND COME AWAY.”

As you respond to His call, the enabling power of the risen Christ will be released to come alongside of your choice, to fulfill His divine purpose and destiny in your life. The King is all glorious within….you! Let us abandon ourselves to the “much more” of the fullness of God.