Storm Desmond has battered parts of the United Kingdom last weekend and left behind devastation to many homes and communities. River banks and roads have been eroded, property has been destroyed and much misery has been caused to human lives. The restoration to flood and storm damage will be costly.
Some of us may be weathering a storm, metaphorically speaking, in our lives at present. Others may have memories of such times. In times of trouble, do I know the Master of the storm? When the storms of life are raging, these are the opportunities to prove God. It is easy to quote Romans 8:28, but have I settled matters in my heart to believe and prove it? “And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
In the same chapter of Romans 8, verses 31 -39, God covers all the bases in life and death, persecution, famine, tribulation, perils, angels, principalities, powers, present or future….NOTHING, can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord! Incredible! My heart is the seat of all unrest, or peace, in my being. Jesus encourages us to “settle our hearts”. Have I settled matters in my heart that Jesus is the Master of the storm? He is in full control in spite of what I feel or see. I need to “see” with my spiritual eyes and believe in my heart Romans 8:28. His word declares that the worst scenario cannot separate me from His love. God’s love is far greater than my understanding of it. It is unlimited, beyond measure and it’s power has no boundaries. We learn to trust our Heavenly Father amid extreme adversity, and this is where our faith in Him grows, as we become rooted and grounded in Him. The storms of life may batter, but His firm foundation holds.
Hebrews 11:6 declares, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Where am I not in faith? Mark 9:14-29 bears the record of the man who came to Jesus asking Him to deliver his son from a deaf and dumb spirit. The father asked our Lord Jesus to help his unbelief. This divine exchange is available for us, too. We have to humble ourselves to ask before we receive. Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7
The worst thing that ever happened on our planet was the crucifixion of God’s Son, but it was an expression for now, and eternity, of God’s love and salvation plan for mankind to be reconciled to Him. God hates sin….but loves the sinner, completely and passionately. He overwhelms me with His love and transforms me through His Son, the Indwelling Christ.
The life and love of Christ in me is new every morning, seeking a channel to flow out to others to extend His kingdom. Overcoming life, overcoming love! Revelation 12:11 ” They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Every day I have the power to choose to die to self and allow the overcoming life of Christ to flow out through me. When this spiritual muscle is used daily, it will eventually become a way of life, (His Life), that will be as natural to me as breathing and I will not even be aware of it, but others will! All credit will be to our lovely Jesus and glorious Father, for He alone is the divine source of His overcoming life within me. Indeed! He is the Master of the storm. He can give me a divine baptism of His peace, even when the storm is raging, but at the set time, by His divine appointment, He will raise His out stretched arm and command the storm, “Peace, be still!” My hand is held securely in His, my Master and King.
The King and I walk down life’s road together, secure in the knowledge that whatever life may bring, we will face it together. Nothing can separate His love from me.