Matthew 15:8-9 Jesus said, “This people…..honour me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Do these words of Jesus challenge me in my walk with Him? What is the Lord saying to me?
A new born baby brings much joy to it’s parents as they watch the child’s development over the first weeks of life. After a few months the child’s back is strong enough to sit up unaided. This is soon followed by some form of crawling on hands and knees as the child discovers his mobility. The crawling child looks so cute at this stage, but what a tragedy it would be if he never developed further and he approached teen years and adulthood still crawling on “all fours.”
God calls us to grow up in our Christian walk and take our place in the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4:14-16
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…..But speaking the truth in love, MAY GROW UP INTO HIM IN ALL THINGS, who is the Head, even Christ. From whom the whole body fitly framed together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, making increase of the body to the edifying of itself in love.”
Do all my years of acquiring knowledge of the scriptures find an expression of the love of God to Him and to others, flowing from my life? God’s word exhorts us to love in word AND DEED!….otherwise I am just as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal,” 1 Cor. 13:1.
Ineffectiveness has a very loud voice, “seen and read of all men”…..but does not please or glorify God. To uphold a doctrine of anything at the expense of the love of God, is a dangerous and ineffective position.
Am I putting the principles I have learnt and the revelation God has shown me into practice? There comes a time when “crawling along the floor” (like the child) just is not good enough anymore. It is time to grow up! God called Moses from his hidden exile keeping his father-in-law’s sheep, (Exodus 3). At the burning bush he had to take off his understanding, respond to God’s call and his life was changed forever. A frightened man living in exile, became the greatest leader in the Old Testament and through him, God performed some of the mightiest miracles recorded and brought down the powerful civilization of the Egyptians.
Colossians 1:26-27 “Even the mystery which has been hidden from ages and generations, but NOW is made manifest to His saints……which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Oh hallelujah! This position of living our lives to the glory of God in tabernacle Rest is not a place to visit, but a place to live in! God is working with us, knitting us together in His love, held together when the Body honours the Head, our Lord Jesus Christ. The spiritual increase in our personal and corporate life will come when the principle in Colossians 2:19 is lived in each one of us. As we honour our Lord Jesus Christ and permit Him to rule our hearts, then we hold: “….the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increases with the increase of God.” When I get in line with what God requires of me then His “increase” will manifest in my life. As I abide in “The Vine” He will produce fruit in my life, birthed from the DNA of the Indwelling Christ for His glory and purpose, and the whole Body of Christ will benefit.
We have surely “come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” May I lose my identity in Him, that my life may be found in Him! The verse of the old hymn comes to mind:
“His love has no limit,
His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men.
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth and giveth again.”
The verse portrays the abundance of God’s treasure house, all available to every member of the Body. We grow in God as we yield to the Indwelling Christ within. Let us grow up…together….holding the Head, in His rightful place, for He alone is worthy to take that place. He is willing and able to complete the work He began in us.
The tenderness of His voice still calls through the ages, “My beloved spoke and said unto me, “Rise up, my love, my fair one and come away,” Song of Solomon 2:10.