One of the biggest downfalls in life is trusting in my own ability, believing that I can change situations and people of myself. Our Lord Jesus, our Pattern Man, demonstrated the way for us to live our lives to the glory of God. Jesus repeatedly confessed that of Himself, He could do nothing, but He did everything supernaturally by the power of “Another”, His Father, working through Him. He became a vessel to transmit the power of God through Him to speak words of life, to heal, to restore and perform miracles, yet He never claimed the credit for it, always declaring it was the power of His Father doing the works through Him, giving His Father the glory.
John 5:30 Jesus said, “I can of my own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge, and my judgement is just because I do not seek my own will, but the will of my Father who has sent me.”
John 14:10 Jesus replied to Philip, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwells in me, He does the works.”
If I try to do anything in my own strength it will be for self glory, and God will resist me. 1 Peter 5:5 “….all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.” Do I want God to resist me? Heaven forbid!! But this divine principle will be upheld in my life and the sooner I learn it the better!
Proverbs 16:5 “Everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord.” Strong words!
Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
These words are not to terrify us but are the warnings of a loving Heavenly Father to teach us the way to the path of life of health, joy and peace with Him. Too often we learn by our mistakes, but He is faithful to draw us back to Him with loving kindness and forgiveness, as we learn that His ways are so much better and higher than ours!
A surrendered life is one that lays down control, learning to let the Lord lead, changing situations and people’s lives. He may work sovereignly or He may use a man, but not man’s methods. The man used of God, by the power of God through the Indwelling Christ, is for the glory of God. The challenge is to live our lives to the glory of God and make it a reality in our lives.
It is vitally important to learn to hold the grace and favour of God upon our lives to His glory. If I think these blessings are anything to do with me and my ability and take credit to my own character for such, devastation will result if the Lord removes His hand of grace from me to teach me that without Him, I can do nothing. But I do not have to suffer the removal of His grace from my life if I recognise and give Him the thanks and honour due to Him for His blessings, ability and favour upon me. What do we have that we did not first receive?…the apostle Paul asked. He recognised the divine Source of our lives – the eternal God, our loving Heavenly Father. It is all OF Him!
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” God’s word teaches us that we have all come short of glorifying the Lord somewhere, but God has set us on a path and is teaching us the way to recover the glory/credit I have not given Him in my life. Our Heavenly Father will show me the place by His Holy Spirit. That is the only place I have responsibility for – the one He is showing me. He brings me one step at a time. His mind and purpose is restoration.
Whether God saves, heals, delivers or enables us, it is all FOR HIS GLORY! But within the umbrella of His glory is His bountiful, pure, steadfast, unconditional love to me. In spite of my short-comings, He loves me and is wanting me to recover the ground lost by Adam. (Joel 2:23-26) – God’s mind and purpose for us is restoration. Our destiny and inheritance is all the fullness of God in this life and the next. It is offered to us, it has been made available, it is our divine birthright through the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. I am the only hindrance to the fullness of God in me! When I refuse to give up my right to myself, my stubborn will, my opinions, judgements, selfish ambitions etc, etc, I limit the Holy One and His work in me. When I walk in my fleshly ways I make myself God’s adversary! Jesus wept when He looked over the city of Jerusalem and said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I would have gathered you, BUT YOU WOULD NOT.“……and they murdered Him.
I do not want Jesus to weep those words over me. There is a simplicity and a peace in following the Lord Jesus. Humility is the way, yielding to His leadings and His dealings. Father knows best and always wants the best for me. But God’s best is His way and not mine. All things are possible….for His glory. My Saviour never fails! Jesus declared His yoke is easy and His burden light. This can be my experience as I learn to trust Him and walk in His truths revealed to me. Jesus is the Truth and as I yield to his life living in me, I become transparent and only Jesus is seen. The glory is all His. It is safe with Him for he gives it all back to the Source, our Heavenly Father!