God comes for our words. He is not going to let slip last week’s theme of “Surrender”. After revelation God will always bring a situation in our lives where we have to apply what He has shown us in the light. Here is where it becomes truth to us as we allow the Holy Spirit to direct and guide us. It is necessary to submit to the safe hands of the divine Potter as He remoulds our vessel of clay on His wheel, (Jeremiah 18). If we refuse to walk in what He has revealed to us in the moment of light, the revelation evaporates. Many a man has made the mistake of thinking because he has understood something under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that he has “got it”. That is only the first step. God will surely bring a practical situation where I have to apply the revealed truth, in order to make it “mine”. When I make the choice to surrender to the Lord and allow Him to work it into my life, then comes the testimony of Jesus in demonstration – Christ in me, the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:27)
Maybe you have resisted surrender in your struggle this week. We often try to work things out not realising we are trying to hold things together in our own strength. Feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope, we finally come to the position where we confess to the Lord, “This situation is too big for me to handle, I surrender it all to You, please help!” God waits for that moment…..when we get out of the way, He sends His answers and moves according to His plan and purpose. Here I find His rest, peace and joy as I trust and obey. The trial of our faith is a precious thing in God’s sight.
1 Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ”.
The Lord Jesus will “appear” in my life as I surrender, I do not have to await His second coming!
Sometimes the trial of your faith can be likened to a pregnant woman. When she has carried the babe to almost full term, it is very difficult to get comfortable. Her thoughts are of the little life she is about to bring into the world, and then as the baby enters the birth canal, comes the moments of travail. Perhaps you can identify with that position, but be assured, the travail will produce the birth and accompanying joy.
Birth settles destiny! What God has birthed cannot die. When God speaks, creation takes place, to God be all the glory! He fulfils His own word and does not need man to prop it up or help it along.
Mark 16 records the account of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene after His resurrection. The disciples were mourning Jesus’ death and when she told them He was alive and that she had seen Him, they did not believe her, (verses 9-11). Mary had seen the living Christ. It is He who is alive in every situation in our lives today, working behind the scenes for divine purpose, His wonders to perform. As we walk the path of daily surrender, we also, and others too, shall see the LIVING CHRIST in our lives, to Him be all the praise, honour and glory!