Hebrews 2:1 “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip”. Has your “vessel” leaked? We are all guilty of leaking in measure, at one time or another, and have forfeited God’s peace.
Many Believers have testified to the benefits of this government lockdown due to the Covid19 crisis. God has used this window of time for His divine purpose to stir up His people relative to the above scripture.
When a person is studying for an examination, they will revise the things they have been taught, have learnt in the past. Our divine Teacher has been reminding us of some of the important truths we have become familiar with. So familiar that we have “let them slip”. Our vessels have leaked! Our hardships in circumstances and relationships come out of the fact that we have not given enough attention to living our lives as our Pattern Man demonstrated, the Lord Jesus Christ. His words echo down the ages, Matthew 11: 28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.
If I am finding life a hard struggle, could it be that I am resisting God? The above scripture declares, (not suggests), that in surrender to God, He supplies that quiet place of rest to a troubled, burdened spirit……even in the middle of adversity. God can be my strong tower and city of refuge in every situation…….if I follow the example of my Pattern Man and yoke myself to Him in humility and meekness. Meekness is not weakness. What is this meekness that Jesus declared of Himself…..”for I am meek and lowly in heart”? It is the mark of a will surrendered to His Father and a walk in humility. In surrender to my Father, I have confidence in the fact that He oversees everything in my life. I can rest in the fact that His unseen hand has divine control of my life and He will orchestrate circumstances for my good. I do not have to try and control people and circumstances. My part is to obey what God has told me and leave the remainder to God to organise……bearing in mind to allow the meek and quiet Spirit of Christ to manifest through me in unconditional love. “A tree is known by its fruit”, Jesus said. What spirit do I demonstrate and operate in to others?
Have I ever wondered why my words lack the authority the Lord Jesus displayed? Our Pattern Man spoke words of creation, spirit and life. Why do so many of my words fall to the ground? Why do they lack the authority and creativity Jesus displayed and promised us…..”…he that believes on me……and greater works than these shall he do….”, (John 14:12). A word of creation produces an end result. Our Pattern Man only ever spoke the words His Father gave Him. He only ever did the things/works His Father instructed. In meekness to His Father, Jesus was in total submission. These are the terms and conditions that enabled Jesus to operate as He did. As it was for Him, so it is for us. He was the Pattern, the blueprint.
Why do my words lack that same authority?……because I do not fulfil the conditions Jesus demonstrated! (Only ever spoke the words His Father gave Him. Only ever did the works His Father instructed. He always had that link to His Father, a listening ear and a surrendered heart and will).
Matthew 8 records the account of the Roman centurion requesting Jesus to heal his sick servant. Jesus said, “I will come and heal him”, but the Centurion responded that he was not worthy for Jesus to come into his home. He declared, “Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed”. Jesus marvelled at the man’s faith.
The centurion understood authority. “His over came out of his under”. Am I “under”? Have I placed myself under the Lord’s authority in submission, allowing Him to control my life and circumstances? The centurion had 100 men under his control. If one of them rebelled, he had no qualms regarding dealing with him. He just had him sent to Caesar, the higher authority than himself, and let him deal with him. So it should be with us. I declare what I believe, obey what God has told me to do then continue to live my life operating in humility and love, refusing any display of bad feelings. I do not have to fight my corner, like the centurion, I leave folk in the hands of the Higher Authority, the Lord God. He is the great Shaker and Mover of obstacles. He knows how to handle people and my efforts in trying to control folk are futile. These are great opportunities to prove God. If I can demonstrate the character of Jesus when men oppose or persecute me, I store up treasure in heaven. When I get out of the way, God will have His way. Stand back!……and let God be who He says He is…..the great I AM!
The Lord told Moses and Joshua that if they obeyed his commandments, the Lord would set a blessing before them and no man would be able to stand against them, ( Deuteronomy 11:25-26). When the ways of a man please the Lord, He will uphold him and orchestrate circumstances according to His divine plans.
Praise God that He has used this lockdown period for us to recognise our leaky vessels need replacing with His vessels of honour. The divine Potter places us again on His wheel and restores the marred vessel, (Jeremiah 18). Let us live the truths He has revealed to us and not “let them slip” (Hebrews 2:1), “…giving MORE earnest heed to them”, to the praise of His glory, as we worship His majesty.
Psalm 19:14 “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”