These are turbulent times we are living in.  Our government is in gridlock over Brexit producing an atmosphere of fear  and anxiety in many in the world, but also in some Christians.  Fear is not of God.  When I find my peace is becoming disturbed with anxious thoughts, this is the time to “press the button of the default setting”.  There are many scriptures in God’s word that return us to the default setting and put us back on track:  Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean to your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths”.  God’s word is creative.  As I exercise faith in His word and what He says, I find His peace has returned and dismissed anxiety.  Only what He says is true!  Now I am back on track with the default setting – trusting and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty.

Scripture exhorts us to guard our hearts for here is the seat of all our believing.  Right believing produces faith in God’s word.  Wrong believing produces unbelief and is fertile ground for the devil to sow his seeds of fear.  This is why the Lord uses strong words of caution to teach us of the devil’s tactics.  Hebrews 3:12 warns: “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” 

As Believers in Jesus Christ we do well to remember that, first and foremost, we are in the world but not of it.  In the kingdom of God, kingdom principles operate, and fear has no place.  Do I live my life according to kingdom principles?……or am I no different to Unbelievers?  The following is a recent testimony to encourage our faith in victory in Jesus and kingdom principles:

Jenny has a young, teenage grandson called John.  John was being bullied at school, physically and verbally.  One can easily imagine the emotions Jenny was feeling as the bullying continued over a period of time.  Even though matters were addressed by John’s mother at the school,  still the bullying continued causing distress and misery to John.  Jenny believed from the beginning that she must operate in kingdom principles as a child of God.  God’s word clearly instructs, Jesus said, Matthew 5:44, “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.”   Jesus could not have put it more clearly.

Jenny chose her prayer life to operate in this scripture according to kingdom principles.  She encouraged her daughter and grandson to do the same.  After some time, the physical bullying stopped, but the verbal abuse of cursing continued towards John.  Jenny continued to adhere to Jesus’ words to “bless those that curse you”.   John became discouraged because the bullying continued and came to the conclusion that he did not believe in God anymore.   Jenny continued steadfast in praying for the bully and blessing him.

Some time passed and eventually John found himself and the bully were being thrown together at team events in football, one of John’s great loves.  To John’s amazement, the bully approached him one day and apologised for his bullying!!  John could hardly believe his ears when he asked him to forgive him and be friends.  How wonderful!  The whole family are now rejoicing.  Jenny is rejoicing for she has proved God in this difficult trial.  Kingdom principles work!  As Jenny steadfastly continued in prayer to bless the bully, our wonderful Saviour, who still performs the impossible, honoured her prayers and softened the bully’s heart.

Jenny sowed good seed in her field, God watered it and gave the increase.  Jenny and John reaped God’s harvest.  All the glory belongs to our beloved Heavenly Father, our miracle working God!

Let this testimony encourage us in these turbulent times to remember that “His kingdom rules over all”,  Psalm 103:19, and “..the government is on his shoulders”,  Isaiah 9:6.  This is our default setting to keep our hearts on track.  Keep me true, dear Lord!