When we view the crises of the world and observe governments issuing ungodly plans attempting to fix the chaos, it behoves us to “look up” and assure our hearts with God’s view on all matters of concern. It is vital that we only get involved in anything in life where God directs. We can observe world events without giving them preeminence or allowing fear entry. Acts chapter 1 records the disciples assembled together with Jesus after His resurrection, moments before His ascension to heaven. At this stage they had not yet received the Holy Spirit, and their expectancy of Jesus, their Messiah, was to overthrow the oppressive Roman government and restore the kingdom to Israel. Jesus’ last words to the disciples were: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own power. But you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me…..and to the uttermost parts of the earth”. Acts 1: 7-8. Then Jesus ascended to heaven.
Jesus taught His disciples that His kingdom was not of this world, but a spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of heaven. John 17 records Jesus’ prayer for “those who the Father had given Him”, that they would be one with the Father as He is (unity), IN the world, but not OF it. Only as we see things through God’s eyes, do our lives become grounded and balanced in Him. Jesus taught us : “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”, Matthew 6: 33.
As we were looking at world events this morning the Lord gently, but faithfully rebuked us with these words:
“The concerns and considerations of mankind are so trivial when compared with My perfect plan. All the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. The trivialities that you discuss are so far removed from Me. My thoughts and purposes are so much higher. What I have designed and created shall never be challenged by mankind. How great are the works of your God! Will they ever be defeated or depleted? No! Today I have set forth a plan and purpose that shall never be thwarted. As My Son is lifted high on the earth, so men will be drawn to Me. ALL POWER in heaven and earth is given to Him. Consider this – and set it forth in your hearts”.
God’s priority in His overwhelming love for mankind is to draw all those who will bow the knee to His Son, Jesus Christ, and be reconciled to Himself for an intimate relationship.
When God speaks He brings balance and order to our runaway thoughts and considerations….if we heed! As we behold Jesus’s majesty, we bow…..and His peace calms our troubled thoughts. When observing world affairs, it is good to remind ourselves :”The Lord has prepared His throne in the heavens, AND HIS KINGDOM RULES OVER ALL”, Psalm 103:19. That is the governing factor here. The governing factor over rules all else and God’s kingdom rules over ALL!