For the life of the indwelling Christ to effect my life in victorious expression, God demands total dependency on His Spirit. Abandonment to the Holy Ghost demands a walk of humility from me. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due time: 1 Peter 5 v 6.
The order of the Godhead: Father, number 1, The Son, number 2 and the Spirit , number 3. God, our heavenly Father is the source of all creation. Jesus is the agent of all creation. He says “All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth”: Math 28 v 18. The one who gave it is greater than the one who receives it. And Jesus himself declares that “My Father is greater than I”.
John 14: 26 – 28 But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom my Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28: Ye have heard how I said unto you. I go away, and come again unto you. If you loved me, you would rejoice, because I said I go unto my Father: for my Father is greater than I.
A simple illustration: I can take a bucket to the ocean and fill it. In the bucket is all ocean, but it is not all of the ocean. So, God the Father, is number 1 in the order of the Godhead, Jesus the Son, number 2, The Holy Spirit is number 3 and He is the Executor of Gods will in the earth today – He has been given, to exalt the Son, and the Son gives all the glory or credit to the Father. So all three are one, in the order of the Godhead.
Why is it so important to understand the order of the Godhead? Well, because what works in heaven, will work on earth! Jesus taught us to pray “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven”. There is an order that God seeks to reveal, that I may apply to my life, and thereby, have a more consistent and orderly life in God.
When I am born again, by the Spirit, I receive the indwelling Christ into my heart. His purpose is to reveal the Father to me.
Jesus says ” I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me“: John 14 v 6. So the 3 of the Godhead are working as one, in my life on earth.
As I yield, in humility to the Spirit of God, the life of the indwelling Christ rules in my heart, and in so doing my heart & mind is kept in His peace while He reveals the Father to me, who is glorified in my life as He works in me, to will and to do of His good pleasure: Phil 2 v 13.
I’m reminded of the words of a chorus we’ve sung over the years:
I was born to be,
A dwelling place for Thee,
A home for the presence of the Lord.
Let my life now be,
Separated unto Thee,
To be what I was born to be