2 Cor. 11 : 3 Paul writes :- But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
Subtlety is craftiness and the devil deceived Eve into thinking she could be as God when she already was. She was made in His image. She was deceived into thinking, (her mind was corrupted) that there was something she could gain by partaking of that which was pleasant to the eyes, something to be desired to make her wise. How much wiser could she be than to be made in the image of God? Gen. 3 : 1 – 8
The revelation of the Glory of God is not some deep theologically discerned mystery. When the Holy Spirit enlightens me it is so simple. The glory, (or credit due) is all God’s. He will not give it to another. Isaiah 42 : 8
We often sing or pray we will give Him all the glory but the fact is the glory never leaves His hand. Jesus taught us in the Lord’s prayer ‘Thine IS the kingdom, the power and the glory!’ The glory of God is God’s. The only place I can try to take it is in my heart but in truth God will not allow me to have it.
The simplicity of this revelation which rules not only God’s kingdom but the whole of the planet is that the enemy of God’s glory is man’s pride. Whether we call it pride, man’s ego, or self life it is man’s attempt to exalt himself above God just as Eve did.
God would not be God if he permitted it. It is the very reason that God threw Satan out of heaven. Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to God and he shall not be unpunished. Prov. 16 : 5.
1 Peter 5 : 5 & James 4 : 6 declares God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
In Mathew 18 : 1 – 5 Jesus was teaching His disciples this truth. They were questioning Him as to who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. He called a child unto Him and set him in the midst and declared “Except you be converted and become as a little child you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the Kingdom”. Humbling is the opposite of pride or self exaltation. I must have a conversion or change of mind to my way of thinking and stop this desire to be exalted in my own eyes and the eyes of others which corrupts my mind.
The body of Christ tends to focus on the sin issue in our lives. But the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
Heb. 10 : 14 For by one offering He HAS perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Well you may reason, then I can’t be sanctified! Heb. 10 : 10 declares: We ARE sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus ONCE FOR ALL. My sin is dealt with. He became sin to pay for my sin. He said on the cross of Calvary “It is finished.” So where does my responsibility lay? It is to humble myself wherever God reveals to me my pride. This is my glory, the enemy of God. It is the root cause of all my sin and the area in my life God wants to change my mindset to prevent the devil’s corruption from gaining a stronghold and diverting me in my walk with my Lord.
Let us continue walking humbly with our God. Micah 6 : 8.