We all want to hear the voice of God clearly for direction and fellowship with Him.


Not only do we have to learn to listen, but we also have to learn to recognise God’s voice. With obedience the Voice becomes clearer as our relationship and fellowship with the Lord deepens.

There are times when the Lord knocks on my heart’s door because He has something to say to me and I am arrested by the call or promptings of His voice. Song of Solomon 5:2 challenges, “I sleep, but my heart awakes: it is the voice of my beloved that knocks, saying, “Open to me….my love…”

Revelation 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” The Lord Jesus wants to “sup” with me – He wants fellowship with me! He desires relationship with Him in everything I do. He wants to be consulted and included. God wants to be wanted!…just as we do. We are made in His image.

Last week’s blog was about taking a step of faith and stepping out in God. A young child’s first steps are faltering and unsteady, but eventually as balance and strength improve, the child gets into a confident stride. So it is in our walk in the Spirit and recognising God’s voice.

The voice of God can be heard in many ways. Sometimes He comes “in disguise” and speaks through the words of another. My spirit is quickened as it witnesses to the creative words declared.

Chapters 3 and 4 of Exodus relate the account of Moses being commissioned of God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses had to take off the “shoes of his understanding”, (Exodus 3:5). When God speaks, it is holy ground. Every reason Moses gave to God for his inability to fulfill God’s commission, God over-ruled, declaring that He, the great I AM, would supply all that Moses needed through His divine strength and power. What God demands, He supplies. His strength is made perfect in our weakness, (2 Corinthians 12:9). Thus our weakness is the very qualification that God will use for His glory, (1 Corinthians 1:26-31), that the enabling power and strength of Jesus Christ will rest on us to fulfill kingdom purpose through us. Thus our heavenly Father is glorified for “of Him, through Him and to Him” are all things.

We may not all have a “Moses” commission of leadership, but we are all commissioned after we receive Jesus into our lives, to develop an intimate relationship with Him to daily fellowship with Him and become vessels for His divine purpose and salt and light to the world.

The words of Jesus never change. Daily He bids us,”Come unto me,” Matthew 11:28. If I do not seek Him out, how can I fellowship with Him and hear His voice? From the very beginning in the Garden of Eden, (Genesis 3:9) the Lord called to Adam, “Adam, where are you?”, not because God did not know where Adam was but because He wanted Adam to confess that he was lost and needed Him. Instead he hid himself. God is ever seeking to restore to us that lost fellowship that we were created for, to bring our loving Father good pleasure. He delights to be included in every aspect of our daily walk, a walk that is so simple and yet we can so easily complicate it with our own understanding. The Creator of all things wants to “tabernacle” with us, that He may become all in all, not just a part of our lives.

Listen for the whispers of Jesus! Teach me to listen, dearest Lord….. To know You, really know You, is the cry of my heart.