2 Corinthians 2:14 “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.”
Our Father God has a particular place in the circumstances of our individual lives, where He is seeking to have His way for the fulfillment of His divine purpose, that our lives will reflect the character of His Son, and extend His kingdom. Only in that particular place of God’s choosing will we have “to do” with Him. God will make clear to each of us the place, and it is there we must humble before Him. God’s purpose is to manifest His glory in us, His vessels, for His glory, not man’s.
Ephesians 4:27 warns us, “Neither give place to the devil.” Let us not give the holy ground of our Heavenly Father’s loving discipline and correction to the devil, who wants that ground for himself to rob us of our birthright in God.
There is much revelation in the first quote of this blog, 2 Corinthians 2:14, in just three little words: now, which and place:-
The verse begins with “now.” Now….is always current, it is timeless. The Lord is commanding our attention.
Many misquote this verse and replace “which” with “Who.” However, the verse clearly states that it is the position of a thankful heart that causes us to triumph in Christ and experience a manifestation of “the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.” A thankful heart in all circumstances releases victory in Christ. We are all in the School of the Spirit in our daily lives where we are being taught “IN every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you,” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. There are many circumstances in our lives that we would not thank God FOR, but the Lord requires that amidst them we can keep our hearts pure by keeping a thankful heart to Him for His love and faithfulness to us. God is greater than our feelings and He can never change. His attributes and character are eternal and it is His desire to know us intimately. He is passionate about us, He created us for His delight and glory and is ever seeking to see the fulfillment of His divine purpose coming to full stature within us, the Indwelling Christ.
The historical records in the Bible are not just stories, they demonstrate biblical principals for us to learn from to make our walk with the Lord much sweeter and easier. In the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites were fearful and complaining, but after they crossed the Red Sea on the dry land of God’s miracle, they rejoiced when they saw the Egyptians defeated and drowned…..(and we would have been no different, but there is a lesson for us here.) Now when the scouts went into the Promised Land to assess the place, most of them came back with a fearful report when they saw the giants in the land, (apart from Joshua and Caleb.)
Sowing and reaping….the same stretcher that brings me out of the hospital will take me back in spiritually, if my heart’s attitude is not right. There is a position in Christ where I can commit a situation or a person to Him with trust and a thankful heart that the Lord is in control, though all appears “wrong” to me, and I can stay thankful. This is the recipe for triumph in Christ. Everywhere we put “the sole of our foot,” God has given us the victory. As we survey “the walls of the Jerichos” in our lives, one shout of triumph and thankfulness to God before the walls fall down is worth more to Him than ten afterwards. Scripture instructs us not to judge by the sight of our eyes, faith has better eyesight than all nature gave! Romans 8:28 declares that “ALL things work together for good to them that love God,” It is God’s sovereign position to work things out for His good purpose, it is our position to trust Him with that.
Romans 1:21 gives a warning regarding men, “…that, when they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” This verse demonstrates that we can produce darkness in our lives by withholding thanks to God, or we can produce light in our lives by being thankful to Him….in ALL things.
Our correct attitude is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, our Forerunner, then we will have a thankful heart which will cause us to triumph in Him, as the victory He established forever at Calvary becomes our personal experience.
Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord….they shall mount up with wings as eagles….” Attitude determines altitude in Christ.
Amen Lord thank you!
Thank you, that is so true, I am learning to give thanks, it is not always easy when things go wrong in my life or the lives of those close to me, but hopefully my spiritual muscles will get stronger as I learn to use them, giving thanks is certainly a big key in the spiritual realm. Amen.