Luke 23 records one of the accounts of the crucifixion of Jesus and two criminals. One of them, the dying thief, had no past experience other than sin, and no future opportunity to change anything. The cross on which he hung was the circumstance which gave him the PRESENT opportunity to relate to the ONE who accepted him just as he was, and enter in to all that the Father had made provision for BEFORE the foundation of the world. Jesus was “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,” Revelation 13:8.
Do I realise that, just as the dying thief, there is nothing God requires from me, except to humble myself in my believing, to the FINISHED work of Jesus on the cross. God will bring the circumstances in my life, the cross, which will give me the PRESENT opportunity to accept and humble myself to the One, (the Lord Jesus) that I must relate to!
If God wants the glory, he must do the work! Phil. 2:13, “For it is God who works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.” It is God who works in me “to will” and “to do.” He works the willing in the willing and the doing in the doing! God does NOT want me willing of my own efforts. Jesus was not willing to die, yet He was the sinless Son of God. In the garden prior to His death, He said,”Father, if it be possible, let “this cup” pass from Me.” So to be unwilling is not a sin. The sin would have been not to choose the Father’s will. But He humbled Himself to death on the cross with these words, “Never the less, not My will, but Thine be done.”
As I bow the knee and humble before the Lord, He will work His will in me for His divine purposes and His glory. God made the provision before the foundation of the world!