In I Cor. I v 17-18 Paul tells us “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.”
As the Body of Christ do we need more revelation on the above scripture? How many of us have attempted to achieve, by wisdom of words, [man’s wisdom and intellect,] that, which only the Holy Spirit can perform through us? By such effort, have we made the cross of Christ of none effect? Someone has said “Preach the gospel, and when necessary, use words! Again Paul says, “I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my preaching was NOT with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith would not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God.” I Cor. 2 v 3-5
The cross of Christ is the power of God for our lives. Preaching, is a demonstration of death to self, only accomplished by the work of the Holy Spirit indwelling me, and causing me, [working in me to will and to do,] to walk in humility. My whole life-style should be preaching, every moment, of every day, by the power of God. Preaching is NOT multiplicity of words and scripture about God, but a lifestyle demonstrating the power of God which is a result of humbling myself under His mighty hand.
According to I Cor. I v 30…’Christ Jesus, of God’ is made wisdom unto us. Proverbs Ch.8 is a wonderful description, prophetically penned, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, which speaks of the Lord Jesus as ‘Wisdom made unto us’. Just pause for a few moments and read and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ in Ch. 8 of Proverbs.
The Wisdom of God, in Christ, is part of a Believer’s inheritance, his birthright. In humility I state my lack, my need of His heavenly Wisdom……and heaven opens….”I AM THAT TO YOU,”….When God called Moses from the wilderness to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, Moses was totally inadequate in his own flesh, but He learnt that whom GOD CALLS, HE EQUIPS….so it is with us, our need for God’s Wisdom in our lives, is the opportunity for God to receive the glory.
I need to see that man’s wisdom has no part in a walk in the Spirit, which is accomplished by the Wisdom of God. God has made the wisdom of the world foolishness and by their wisdom they do not know Him.
In the eyes of the world, God’s Wisdom is foolishness, and yet it is by this foolishness of preaching, [the cross of Christ, demonstrating the humility of His indwelling,] which is the saving power to them that believe. I Cor. I v 20 & 21.
In the Body of Christ, are we prone , generally speaking, to substitute the Person of the Holy Spirit, with the ‘spirit of the world’ in attempting to fulfill the ‘Divine Commission and Plan’?
If I use the world’s spirit, I consent to the world’s values, and grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whose indwelling is the means of a life lived to the Glory of God. By doing so, we have made the church worldly and impotent!
God has chosen a people, that in the eyes of the world are weak, base, despised and are ‘are not’s’, to bring to nothing, the things which are. For what purpose? That no flesh should glory in His presence.
We all want His Presence manifested in our lives, but do we want to embrace or pay the price of dying to self? The cross is the power of God to them that believe.
There is no division in the ‘Body of Christ’. We are made ‘one’ by the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary. That is factual, and every one that is born again of the Spirit of God is a member or part . What is lacking, and making us ineffective in the world, is, the failure to fulfill Eph 4 v 1-3 which exhorts us to endeavor to keep the ‘Unity of the Spirit’ in the bond of peace. Pray that He will work with us all, that according to Eph. 2 v 20-22 we will grow into that corporate ‘house’, fitly framed together, for a habitation of God.