Sometimes with all the doctrines and teachings in Christianity, I may be confused in what God is doing in my life if I have a wrong perception or overview.  Many in the world are looking for increase in various areas such as wealth, health, fame etc.  Though many search for it, they have a wrong understanding of increase, because for us, as Believers, it is all wrapped up in the mystery of Christ.

When God created me, He made an incomplete being that we would find our completion in Him.  Colossians 2:10, speaking of Jesus declares:  “And you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power”.

God is love.  God’s love completes me.  God needs an object outside of Himself to place His wonderful love upon to complete His love.  That is the nature of agape love, to find its completion in another.  It seeks another’s wealth, not its own…..(1 Corinthians 13).

The world looks for completion within themselves by the world’s methods for increase.

John the Baptist, referring to Jesus, proclaimed:  “He must increase, I must decrease”,  John 3:30.

We all want increase/fullness, but we will only receive it by God’s methods.  Do I understand His methods?  He will only increase in me as I decrease.  I need to have a different view of my lack/failure or discouragement.  These are the places the Holy Spirit requires us to “empty out” that need change.  His divine finger points to the place and highlights where I need to humble and repent, that the life of Christ in me may replace my lack.  I am complete in Him,  He is my righteousness and wants to replace all my failure with His glorious ability.  This is my birthright,  Christ in me, the hope of glory.  This is the mystery of Christ, hidden down the ages, but now, made available for you and me through Calvary.  He must increase, I must decrease.  Unless I empty, under divine guidance, I cannot be filled with the increase of Christ.  He replaces me!

This is the journey we are on.  The instruments God is using to bring us to fullness are our circumstances, but chiefly our relationships:  “How can I say I love God and hate my brother?”  (1 John 4:20).  Consider this:  “He that loves his brother abides in the light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him”,  1 John 2:10.  Profound!   Love covers and does not seek to destroy or tear down.  How do I set that necessary guard on my heart and lips?  I need a heart change.  Thankfully, we have a Redeemer who is more than willing to exchange my ugliness for His loveliness.  Kneeling at His feet I confess my need of Him.  He is delighted to forgive and make the royal exchange…..Christ in me, the hope of glory, living out His life through mine.  To God be all the glory!

We have a divine destiny to fulfill…..The mark that God is seeking to bring us to:  Ephesians 4:13-15:   “Till we all come in the unity of the faith… the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.  That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive,  but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, who is the head, even Christ”.  

The love of God shed abroad in our hearts to this end, His increase in us that we will be rightly related to our fellow men.  I will be found out by the Holy Spirit where I lack, that He may exchange it for His fullness.  The goal is the increase of Christ’s presence in my life, that He may dwell comfortably in me, that God may be “all in all“,  (1 Corinthians  15:28).  God wants to display all the attributes of His Son in all the fullness of His power in us.  We will no longer take offence, we will only be concerned with one goal:  Christ in me, the hope of glory!