When crisis strikes, what do I do?  I have two options: faith or fear.  If I embrace anxiety then I open myself up to the wily devil and his foothold in my life.  Anxiety can quickly turn into fear and unbelief in what God says.  Resist doubt and unbelief as they create fear.  Learn to recognise and refuse these tools of the devil to take you off track.

However, if I embrace faith in God and His word, then my feet are on solid ground, a sure foundation is the Rock of Jesus Christ!  Faith in God’s word is creative.  God and His word are unchangeable, unshakeable.  When Jesus underwent His temptation by the devil, (recorded in Matthew 4), He quoted the word of God to Him and the devil gave up and left Him.  Following the devil’s exit, angels came and ministered to Jesus, (Matthew 4:11).  How do I resist the devil?  By standing firmly on God’s word, I withstand him, (Ephesians 6).

These times of crises bristle with opportunities to prove God in our personal lives. The psalmist declared of God:  “……His kingdom rules over all”,  Psalm 103:19.  Let us encourage ourselves and each other in God.   Instead of walking in fear, let us be positive with the negative situations we find ourselves in. God’s word declares, Romans 8:28:  “All things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”.   Every born-again Believer is called of God for His divine purpose.  Believing the devil’s lies over what God declares is not God’s divine purpose for my life!  “Let God be true, but every man a liar…..”  Romans 3:4.  In every situation in life, I have a choice to make……let God be true.  Keep your feet on solid ground, God’s word, and see faith rise up in you…..divine creation!

Proverbs 23:7  “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”.  This is a time to rise up and put the word of God in my heart.  It will withstand all the wiles of the devil.  God’s word in a prepared heart is fertile ground for faith in Almighty God and I will become a living demonstration of His word.  Faith in God will arise with a healthy crop of His peace, joy and trust in His fatherhood.  His word declares:  “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”,  Philippians 4:19.

GOD SAID IT, THAT SETTLES IT!     ……let God be true!   Choose life!

Fellow travellers,  be salt and light to a needy and fearful world.  Don’t focus on the dismal circumstances, place your faith in the greatness of your God.  Keep “hiding His word in your heart”.  It will become truth to you and sustain you, but better still, you will become a living demonstration of it.  Indwelt, the Word of God – Christ in you, the hope of glory!

Keep your feet on solid ground!