A sister from a small sea-side village went to visit a friend in a big city. The sister was thankful not to have to drive through the huge volume of rush hour traffic, typical of every city. She accepted her friend’s offer to drive them through her familiar territory. The city was her home ground. She was comfortable in her own environment. The sister observed how her friend calmly and politely navigated the city traffic, completely at ease. It was observed she was operating and flowing in the rest of God, unaffected by others’ lack of politeness as they rushed about their business. The passenger observed her friend’s demonstration of carrying God’s rest as she calmly delivered them to their destination.
This observation brought the question: What environment do I live and operate in? The realm of the Spirit or the culture of the world? Our lives speak and demonstrate where we are in God. Paul called us “living epistles, known and read of all men”…. Others observe our lives and God surely does. I heard a quote from someone this week: “The principle of rest is God’s design for the rhythm of life. If you do not set the rhythm of your life then culture will dictate to you from the environment you live in.” Selah!
The words to the following song by Roy Turner declare and compound the truth in them:-
Man was made to be His music,
People to be His praise,
All living things in a song of love
Lifting our voices to God above.
Tune your heart to the melody of creation as it rolls along,
Man was made to be His music,
People to be His song,”
Is my life a song, a melody to my Creator? Believers should create the environment they live in. We can choose to live and flow in the realm of the Spirit without being influenced by the world. Jesus was a friend of sinners and moved comfortably among them, carrying the light of His Father’s Presence, yet scathing in rebuke of religious people. When Jesus prayed for His disciples He declared they were not “Of” this world, even though they were “In” it, (John 17:16). As it was for them, so it is for us, “IN the world but not OF it”. We have to live and operate in the world culture, but we do not have to come under its influence. We are of “kingdom culture”. Luke 4:43 “…I must preach the kingdom of God …..for therefore am I sent,” were the words of Jesus.
Our lives should demonstrate the Rest of His Presence. The Lord declared to Moses, “…My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest,” Exodus 33:14. The peace (rest) of God is a hallmark of His presence in our lives and an evidence of us living in the culture of the kingdom of God, the realm of the Spirit.
The Indwelling Christ is not only my Saviour but also my Keeper. Peter declared to us, “…for you, who are kept by the power of God….”, 1 Peter 1:4-5. I can live safely in the place ordained of God for me to be, choosing and carrying His Rest, guarded and garrisoned by His divine protection and not allowing the world’s culture to influence or dictate to me. I am a child of the King, sealed for eternity, bound for Heaven but revelling in the joy “of this life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me,” Galatians 2:20. Christ in me! Hallelujah! He was there at the beginning of creation and His presence is the only true rhythm of life, for we were created for our Father’s good pleasure.