Consider this: Every child born into this world has the call of God on their life, but not everyone will choose to respond to it in their free will.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is a “whosoever” gospel – it is a level playing field for everyone. John 3:16 confirms this : “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
The Body of Christ, the Church, is multiracial from all nations. Some heard the call of God and responded as adults, some as children. Some were raised by Christian parents but walked away from God for various reasons, becoming prodigal sons and daughters, (Luke 15:11-32). Some prodigals respond again in later life to the merciful call of the Saviour and discover the joy of God’s mercy, forgiveness and restoration.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 “……..time and chance happen to all men”. Opportunity knocks! In the foreknowledge of our omniscient God, He knows who will respond to His love call. It is not His will that any should perish but man was created with a freewill to choose, and sadly, many refuse His call. God, in His mercy, will arrange a set time, a divine appointment, for His children of destiny to hear and respond, in their choice, to His call on their lives.
Galatians 1:15-16 confirms the call. “When it pleased God…..called me by his grace to reveal His Son in me”.
The following words of the song depict the Saviour’s words to an aching heart:
“Tenderly, I can hear Him calling me, come away, beloved one.
Gentle voice, how He makes my heart rejoice,
I will arise and follow Him.” (song inspired from Song of Solomon 2:10).
Psalm 139 reveals God’s ever searching eyes upon every detail of our lives. Verse 17 declares “How precious are your thoughts unto me, O God! How precious are the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand…..”.
Opportunity knocks! “When it pleased God to reveal His Son in me”……I responded and God’s mercy re-wrote my life. As we kneel at the foot of the Cross, the miracle of redemption is available to all who will surrender their life to Jesus Christ. Here is where we transact business with God. Here is where we find mercy and forgiveness for sin. Sin, guilt and shame lose their power over me as I find rest in God’s unconditional love and the finished work of Christ’s eternal sacrifice.
Redeemed by amazing grace! How sweet the sound – the lost is now found in Christ!