Many are familiar with the passage in Luke 15: 11-32, where we find the parable of the prodigal son.  Some of us have been prodigals who now, God has graciously restored.  Some of us have prodigal children who are living out their life choices that, as parents, we would not have chosen for them.  There comes a time in every parent’s life when we have to release our children and allow them to make their own life choices.

Here is a quote from an anonymous, wise woman: “There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children.  One of these is roots, the other, wings……”  Both of these should be nurtured, and grown, in confidence and trust, in the home.  The time will surely come when we should release our children to use their wings.  They may not always make right choices, but we have to trust God that He will overshadow them, guide them if they have ears to hear, and redeem their mistakes, as He has ours.

In the record of the prodigal son, we note in the beginning, his feet were under his father’s table, but his heart was in the far country.  His unruly heart cried, “Give me, give me……”.  He received and squandered his inheritance, but when he returned to his father’s house he felt he was no longer worthy to be called a son, and was ready to appeal to his father to make him as one of his hirelings.  In repentance his words had changed from give me, to make me.  He had had a change of heart.  God uses all our blunders and failures to teach us life lessons.  They are vital ingredients in the economy of God’s recycling!  In the economy of God there is no waste.  Humility is vital in order for God to restore and redeem.  When we come to the end of ourselves, all our vain glory in ashes, then, just like the prodigal son, our Father welcomes our returning.  A new chapter unfolds and God’s mercy re-writes our lives.

God made us with freedom of choice, which are our wings.  May we use them wisely.

The choices we make should never be built on fear of the unknown, fear of what may happen, what if…..what if….!  God intended us to learn to trust Him in ALL things in faith in His character.  That is why it is so important to get to know Him and to come to the understanding that His ways, thoughts and plans for us are much higher than ours, and past finding out.  (Isaiah 55: 8-9).  God’s word reveals His character.  All His attributes are perfectly balanced in His glory.  His greatest desire is for us to include Him in every aspect of our lives.  His love for us is so profound, we can never comprehend its depth with our finite mind. His word declares there is nothing that can separate us from His love, (Romans 8: 35-39).  God made a way with His plan of redemption to deal with sin, once and for all, (Hebrews 10:10) to reconcile us to Himself through the sacrifice of His beloved Son.  Nothing gives Him more joy than when He can see His beloved Son operating through us.  Christ in you, the hope of glory.  

What shall we say then to the trials that so easily beset us?  When we embrace discouragement and negative thoughts, condemnation etc., this is the time to refuse them and choose to allow God’s word to have pre-eminence. Romans 8: 37 decares “No!  In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us”.  Put wings on your prayers!  Never let circumstances dictate, let God be true.  He is who He says He is!

Never surrender the sense of His presence to a situation…..That’s deep!  When crises arise, refuse sense knowledge and push into God.  He waits and wants to be included, consulted.

If I don’t consult God, I insult Him!

When we make choices in fear, God calls it sin!  Romans 14:23 “…..for whatsoever is not of faith is sin”.  There is only one fear that is acceptable to God, that is godly fear, a holy reverence for Himself when we make right choices to honour, and please Him.

Joshua 24: 14 “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth…….”  Joshua encourages the people to get rid of their false gods and idols.  The Lord requires of us to put away all that is false in our lives, all our idols, fears and wrong believing, the things which do not allow Him the pre-eminence which is so essential to knowing Him in greater depths of unspeakable joy, full of glory, (1 Peter 1:8).

…….Choose this day whom you will serve…….But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.  Joshua 24: 15

Photo by Simon Fitall on Unsplash