What you believe rules your life……what a man believes rules him and he will act accordingly, even if it is wrong believing. Our lives are the full expression of what we believe.
If there is a force within myself that I depend on, that force will never accomplish that which God purposes. You cannot accomplish in your own strength and resolve divine purpose. Psalm 127:1 “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”. Complete surrender to the Lord enables me to enter His rest and become the will of God. Humility is key. The life of Christ in a surrendered vessel will do great and mighty exploits, for the glory of God. The chief desire of a surrendered vessel is to please the Father, the accolades of man are an abhorrence to him. He no longer desires position or the best for himself, no longer desires to be seen of men, prefers others before himself and covets the approval of his Heavenly Father in every thought and deed. A surrendered vessel can safely be a conduit of divine power and authority to extend God’s kingdom, not self glory.
Jesus, our Pattern Man, demonstrated this in His earthly walk. His finished work on Calvary made it available to everyone who receives salvation. As we learn and operate in obedience, our spiritual sight becomes clearer.
If we want the Promised Land experience then we have to take the limits off. We limit the Holy One by our unbelief – and remember – what we believe rules us, even wrong believing. A seed produces after it’s own kind. Wrong believing produces wrong living. Right believing produces right living. God wants to show us His greatness and His love and enable us, through the life of His Son in us, to live in complete victory. He is the great I AM who parted the Red Sea and wants to meet all the impossibles of our lives.
When you meet the impossible, lift your eyes and see the resources of your God!
When we take the limits off…..our unbelief…..God will make bare His mighty, holy arm!
That which is birthed of God cannot die! The move is on! Once we have submitted our prayer requests, according to His will, should we not then change our asking to thanking?…..to declaring and decreeing His word over the situations with thanks. Joshua 6 records the account of the children of Israel walking round the Jericho walls, in faith, seven times, before the walls fell down. Something had happened to them and they had seen something in the Spirit which spurred them on. We can raise our hallelujahs, remembering our Ebenezers, (1 Samuel 7:12), and giving thanks to the Lord in faith and complete assurance that He is, who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do.
My responsibility is to take the limits off and consider the greatness and magnitude of Almighty God……my Dependable Love.