Where do we put our faith? Sometimes we can get mixed up placing our faith in “what we believe”, rather than ” Who” we believe. Our faith should be in the living person of the Lord Jesus Christ. When I have settled this in my heart it ends all arguments.
L.H. Edmonds penned the following hymn:
My faith has found a resting place not in device nor creed,
I trust the Ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me.
Placing our trust in Jesus Christ settles all arguments. Nothing can stand against Him and His finished work on Calvary.
Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889 – 1929) was a converted Indian Christian missionary. Prior to his conversion he had searched for the meaning of life and become so disillusioned with Indian religion, spiritual searching and man’s performance that he decided to throw himself under a train, if God did not prove He was real. That night he experienced a vision of Jesus Christ and his conversion followed, powerfully changing his life. For the rest of his days he devoted himself to spreading the gospel. His challenging biography is well worth reading. On one occasion he had the opportunity to visit Britain and was bitterly disappointed with the materialism of many western Christians.
He was often questioned by theologians of his day on such visits. One theologian is recorded to have put the question to him: “What difference is it to you to being a Sadhu, (holy man) than being a Christian?” Sadhu replied, “I met Jesus Christ”. The theologian repeated the question, adding, “I don’t think you understand the question”. Sadhu answered again, “I met Jesus Christ. I don’t think you understand the answer!” Sadhu had had an encounter with the living Christ and he was forever changed. His faith had found a resting place in Jesus, a Who, and not a what. All his searching, questions and arguments had ended when he met Jesus. He had found what he was looking for in the Son of God.
A person may know about Jesus in a small, or greater measure, but until one actually has an encounter with Him, realising their sinful state and need of a Saviour, the divine exchange is only transacted through the Door of salvation, Jesus Christ. Then the life time journey begins of getting to know Him intimately and serving Him. Jesus Christ settles every argument. He is a not a philosophy, but He is a real person indwelt by Deity, the only true and living God.
There are some whom deem themselves intelligent and like to argue. Do I? Have I settled it?……. like the hymn writer, I need no other argument or plea, it is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me. That position is where the personal encounter with Jesus takes place…..He died for me!
The world and the devil endeavour to confuse, or bemuse us, in an effort to remove us from the place where our faith has found a resting place in Jesus. He is the end of the search for all answers in life. His Word settles all arguments. It is the creative breath of God. Once we have met with the Master, our desires are changed, and change constantly as we humbly sit at His feet, learning His ways, surrendering ours. Let us encourage each other in these tumultuous times to find our resting place in Christ alone. He is not a device, nor creed but the resurrected living One, the Source of our wellspring of life, His life in us! Christ in you, the hope of glory!
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash