Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin are death, but the gift OF God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” When we give a gift to someone, the recipient may say to someone, “This is a gift FROM my friend”. However, when we consider the above scripture we see that God’s gift to us was not just from Him, but of His very self: “…the gift OF God”. The gift of God supersedes all gifts in life and takes pre-eminence.
In God’s great love for a fallen world, He presented a level playing field in His “whosoever” Gospel of grace: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” John 3:16. God has made a way through Calvary for mankind to be reconciled to Himself. Sadly, many still refuse Him. Some declare they are a “defender of all faiths” after studying the religions of the world. Others embrace all religions as good.
Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Jesus declared that He was THE Way, not A Way. John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by me.”
What a tragedy that so many people turn from the knowledge of the truth and spend so much futile time and energy seeking for the meaning of life. They travel down blind alleys, highways and byways of knowledge, philosophy, theology…..they think they have the answer covered. The truth is they all have one thing in common: a dead end! They dangerously believe they have found “A” way, instead of “THE” Way. “No man comes to the Father but by Me.”
John 17:3 “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent.” Our Heavenly Father desires intimacy with us. He wants us to know Him, and as we respond to His unconditional love and draw closer to the Source of all life, we shall indeed discover the meaning of life in the person of Jesus Christ – God’s beloved Son and the Saviour of the world – but more importantly to me – my Saviour and Keeper. He truly is the meaning of life!