Isaiah 43:18-19 “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”The move is on!
Do you feel the witness in your spirit that change is imminent in this dispensation of time? A paradigm shift is coming, meaning that God is about to produce a new model or pattern in the Body of Christ. This move will be all OF God. No man will be able to take credit for it and all the glory will be God’s. It will first come individually as the Indwelling Christ is yielded to in our personal daily walk with Him. God’s will for my life is governed by my believing. Until I move from what I am, to what God is, I remain the same. My believing has to change. I have to cast down what I believe about me, and believe what God says.
There can be no impartation from God without humility. Humility is always the key to receiving understanding and revelation.
Many have sought in the past to fulfil the “Sermon on the Mount”, (Matthew Chapters 5-7.) through their own strengths, efforts and good intentions. This is compulsion and is impossible, producing strife and discouragement. But, hallelujah!…..there is a more excellent way! Yielding destroys the impetus of compulsion. The “Sermon on the Mount” can only be lived by the life of “Another” – the Indwelling Christ in me. As I yield my will to His, preferring others before myself, the life of the Son of God extends His kingdom through me in a living demonstration. The Holy Spirit is bringing the realisation of the words of Jesus to our lives: I can of mine own self do nothing. It is the Father in me who does the work. Any good thing coming out of me is Jesus. The glory is God’s alone.
Others will notice the change in us and comment. We will notice the change as we make Jesus Lord of all in our lives.
Unless Jesus is Lord of all, He is not Lord at all!
When change does come, we do well to remember the words spoken through Paul: 1 Corinthians 10:12 “Wherefore let him who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall.” Our standing is in the life and righteousness of Christ, in His grace and merit alone, purchased for us at Calvary.
When God brings balance to our lives through the life of His Son, the Indwelling Christ, we will no longer be moved by circumstances. Paul declared this position in Acts 20:24 “None of these things move me.”
The words of this chorus declare this truth:
Sufficient for me, sufficient for me,
His grace is sufficient, abundant and real.
In sorrow or in pain, Lord,
This song is the same, Lord,
Sufficient for me, sufficient for me.” (Beulah Ratcliffe)
I will no longer live my life to please men first, but be God conscious, making Him Lord of all. A life lived to the glory of God does not manifest in a monk-like, ascetic lifestyle, but in demonstration of becoming a channel of His love, overflowing with His joy and peace. As we allow the peace of God to rule our hearts, His kingdom will flow out through us, all glory to His wonderful name! “In Him we live, and move and have our being”, Acts 17:28
Our Heavenly Father continues His work of preparation in our lives. Many times we experience His anointing “on” our lives, revelation comes. The anointing “on” precedes the work “in” us. As we yield to the Holy Spirit working with us we move and our lives are changed. The life of the Son of God can be my lifestyle, Him living through me. We should move as the Holy Spirit guides, our confidence grows in Him and His enabling power changes us within.
This is the day of new beginnings. God is at work breaking up the fallow ground that has long rested that will now produce the environment of His Spirit. God is looking for a people who are conscious that their inabilities are the very qualifications (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) He requires to demonstrate His power and glory through. Our Heavenly Father calls each of us to live in this new environment of the power of His Holy Spirit. Jesus said,” I can of mine own self do nothing. It is the Father in me that does the works.” We follow in the footsteps of our Pattern Man, let us grasp the baton He is holding out to us and enter in to the fullness of the Son – indwelt and overshadowed by His grace. The move is on! The following chorus is our prayer:
“Not my will, but Thine be done,
That the fullness of the Son
Would live inside this life that I have offered you.
Until everything I do becomes the thing that pleases You,
Abba Father, I would be a son indeed.”