Have you ever studied sheep? It is very apparent they need a shepherd. John 10:27, Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
Notice how the statements of Jesus are always so simple to understand. When I am in confusion I must remind myself that confusion is not of God. Somewhere I have let a thought in, not sourced in Him, allowed it “growing room” and it brings forth a harvest of confusion. The result produces an inability to hear His voice because I listened to another voice, and not His. My loving Heavenly Father awaits my cry for help. His ear is ever inclined to my call and as I repent, He faithfully lights up the right pathway to proceed on. My experience becomes another learning curve in God as He teaches me His ways.
Romans 14:22-23 “Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he that does not condemn himself in that thing which he allows…..whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Don’t allow doubt and unbelief to become your bedfellows! They will keep you out of the Promised Land, just like the children of Israel.
Notice how the Lord permits circumstances in my life for His purpose which is to bring me closer to Him. He never condemns me therefore I can learn to trust Him in ALL circumstances. Paul declared “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit,” Romans 8:1.
Jesus lived by the “still small voice”. He only ever spoke the words His Father gave Him. His ear was always tuned to His, constantly listening. Because He was the firstborn of many brethren, our Pattern Man, how it worked for Him will work for us if we develop sensitivity to the still, small voice of God. The world is full of clamour. In the Church some believe that God is big, so everything that is bigger or louder is of God, more anointed. Not necessarily. Jesus lived and was directed by the still, small voice in His inner being. This is the highest, but I can easily miss it in insensitivity in my walk with God.
God, in His love and faithfulness can meet me on a lower level. God can drop a word in my spirit through a Gathering, through reading His word or through circumstance. What if I don’t hear Him through any of those? Eventually He can get my attention through my physical body if He so chooses. There is no escape for me from that because I have to live in my skin and take it everywhere I go. Now, God has my attention! God never puts sickness on people, but He may permit it, in His wisdom and great love for me, as a learning curve to listen and hear His still small voice of daily direction. There is a place, of my choice in surrender, where I discover I can hear His voice in any circumstance, and know the peace of His presence. He teaches me to listen. As I hear and obey, the voice will become clearer. When I disobey, I walk into consequences of my making. I discover it is more beneficial to obey! Even in this, I need His strength and grace to enable me to follow Him. God has made provision for my journey. Everything I need is made available through His Son, Jesus. God is not angry with my failures. God’s anger was satisfied at Calvary through the sacrifice of His Son. But He will lovingly chasten and test us, to take us higher and closer to Himself. He desires us to find the joy of His presence amid the trial of our faith, amid His loving chastening. Here we can find the joy of God, independent of whatever circumstances we are in, trusting Him that He is in full control as we learn to rest in the finished work of Calvary. I will begin to see things through God’s eyes and recognise the divine appointments in my circumstances, the appointed times on God’s clock when He authorises change and takes me higher, as I learn sensitivity to the still, small voice. This needs to become my lifestyle. When I am living by the still, small voice I find there is no hardship in my circumstances. His presence gives me His perspective on life. His joy and peace become the essence of my day as I trust Him with everything.
1 Kings 19 records the episode of Elijah hearing the still, small voice. He had fled for his life from Jezebel’s threats to kill him, hiding in the wilderness, wanting his life to end. God ignored his request and spoke to him. God sent strong winds, earthquake and fire but did not speak to him through any of those. God spoke “in a still, small voice”, (1 Kings 19:12) and gave him instruction and direction. Elijah was hiding in the wilderness. God’s purposes are often performed in a desert place as here is where we come to the end of ourselves.
Until we meet the impossible we do not touch the resources of God.
Listen to the whispers of Jesus!