On a clear day the Sea Eagle can be seen in it’s natural habitat soaring over the coastline, spying out the land and sea for prey. It is a magnificent sight to observe him enjoying his superb perspective. It is noticeable that there does not seem to be another bird in the sky, but there is a lot of squawking from other birds on the ground! These squawkers are instinctively aware that the eagle is looking for prey and it’s lethal talons are free. Our amazing God placed instinct in every bird, animal, fish and insect, but with mankind He created us with a free will. We have choice.
The same squawking birds on the ground, crows and buzzards, observe and perceive when the sea eagle has swooped down and caught it’s prey from the land. They use their instinct and perception of opportunity to gang up against the eagle in flight with it’s prey and attack it. The eagle’s talons are engaged with holding it’s prey in flight, making it vulnerable to attack.
As we wait upon the Lord our perception of all life matters is changed and necessary, as we begin to see as God sees. We can begin to strive, struggle, take on board negative thoughts and our Guide, the Holy Spirit, convicts, directs and impresses us to CHANGE OUR PERSPECTIVE. We need to see our situations through God’s eyes, His perspective. It is so easy to slip in to negative thoughts that oppose His reign in our hearts. We have a God-given choice to change our perspective on anything that comes through the grid of God in our daily situations. We can soar like the eagle and have a godly perspective on all the squawking going on below, trusting our Heavenly Father with the outcome.
Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint”.
We can always choose to change our perspective and please God.
In our humanity we all have certain biases but God has no biases. Salvation is available to everyone, but sadly, so many never come to the reality of knowing our Heavenly Father’s unconditional love. John 3:16 proclaims openly “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. God loves everyone equally, He is no respecter of persons. He loves every Joe Blogs, every neighbour, every enemy, He has no biases in His love. Have I?
Jesus taught: “Love your enemies……That you may be children of your Father who is in heaven, for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good…….” Matthew 5: 44-45.
Wherever God is ruling in the human heart, there is the kingdom of God. Jesus said, Luke 17:21: “The kingdom of God is within you”. In the heart of man is where my perspective has to change. To rise to God’s perspective of things I have to surrender mine and surrender my biases, as they only serve to prevent a closer walk with the Lord.
The book of Revelation was divinely inspired and given to John to write. As he was caught up in the Spirit, he saw…..and recorded all he saw. As I refuse sense knowledge that seeks to rule my heart and decisions, I open myself to see things through God’s eyes and change my perspective.
As Believers, God has placed within us a disposition to hear His voice. If we choose to listen and obey, He grants us the ability to hear more clearly as we follow on to know, and love, Him more. If I am not inclined to listen, I become stubborn, hard hearted and dull of hearing, (Matthew 13:15). Last week the theme was on hearing. We focused on the words of Jesus: “Let him who has ears, hear”.
This week we follow on with sight. Seeing things through God’s eyes. May the Holy Spirit continue to challenge us on every ungodly thought and perception. As we choose to obey His challenge to “CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE”, He will anoint our spiritual eyes with divine eye salve that we may see things through His eyes and perspective. In this position we can know His rest in every situation. He purifies our hearts and we are blessed as we SEE God as much greater, and bigger than our circumstances.
Jesus said, Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”.