What does it mean to apply the blood of Jesus? When Jesus’ blood was shed at Calvary for the sin of the world, God established an eternal covenant for all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and enter in to salvation.
God sovereignly established the covenant. What is my responsibility in it?…..to believe it, by faith, in my heart and cast down every negative thought that rises against God’s truth and becomes a strong hold in my life. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, (for example: my disorderly, arrogant heart,) and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” From God’s perspective I am “weighed in the balance and found wanting” when I am entertaining discouragement and negative thoughts. Discouragement is not of God! It comes from an unruly heart giving place to believe the devil’s lies. When my heart is troubled there is an action God requires of me to restore His joy and peace. By faith, I symbolically apply the blood of Jesus to the doorposts of my heart, and exchange the lies I have been believing for the word of God. This is my spiritual birthright. The covenant is eternally established but I have to believe it and enter in to the terms, pulling down imaginations and strong holds of wrong believing.
The shed blood of Jesus Christ serves as our protection and covering that nothing can penetrate if I am walking in the light. In a warranty agreement, terms and conditions apply. A personal friend has a computer that crashed this week. He was not aware that the computer carried a six year warranty. When he discovered this fact he entered in to the warranty terms and claimed the accompanying benefit rights. The warranty was fixed and established at the purchase of the computer whether he realized it or not, whether he took advantage of the warranty rights or not, the warranty terms were set in place on the purchase of the article. If he had not become aware of the 6 year warranty terms, his ignorance could have cost him dearly.
The shed blood of Jesus Christ sealed the warranty of the eternal covenant between God and man. It protects me, I am covered! However, many people are not aware of the warranty.
Christ came and offered up Himself at Calvary. Now, as our great High Priest, He intercedes before our Heavenly Father for mercy instead of judgement for us. When the Holy Spirit moves on us to intercede for a person, we are calling on the warranty that God set in place at Calvary, whether that person believes it or not, it is available.
1 John 1:5-7 sheds light on walking out the covenant in our every day lives:
5 “…….that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.
7 But IF we walk in the light AS he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin.”
So then, there is “a working” in our life that is directly related to “walking in the light.” Depending on how much light I am open to receive from the Lord determines the quality of my life. The light God gives me is the truth He reveals to me. If I refuse to walk in it, that light becomes darkness to me and my quality of life takes a downward spiral. Scripture emphasizes, “….how great is that darkness.”
Two little words in the scripture quoted, 1 John 1:5-7, IF and AS. My responsibility is to walk in the terms of the blood bought covenant and in so doing I can be absolutely devil-proof. The devil hates the light/truth and runs from it. As I walk in the light/truth God has shown me, I am “under the blood” and completely protected. If I reject the truth then I open myself up to have a visit from the devil, the “Father of lies,” who claims a father’s “visiting rights” to visit his child , which is the lie that I am believing, instead of the truth God gives.
When I understand this truth and the mechanics of it, the merciful nature of God, and the blood covenant established through Calvary, enables me to come to God’s Mercy Seat and in humility I repent and exchange the devil’s lies for God’s truth. As I embrace the truth, Mercy walks in to my life and the divine exchange takes place. The light of Christ floods my being and I am transformed to live in the freedom Christ purchased for me at Calvary.
Rise up and take command! For God has given you a weapon and God has placed it in your hand! You have used it as an ornament. You have not realized it is a weapon. You have not realized or perceived it’s worth. In to your hand God has given you a weapon!
So wonderfully clear and so wonderfully true! What a blessed privilege to walk with Him in the Light; and when we step in the mess in the darkness, to be afforded by His loving grace to exchange the lie for the liberty that Truth brings. Appreciate all you loved ones at Bron Wendon! Bro Steve Shank