“I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name”. (This is a line from the hymn penned by Edward Mote in the American Civil War entitled “My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less”.)
The Lord is shaking everything in our lives that can be shaken, seeking to remove everything we have trusted in that is not founded in Christ alone. Even Christians are being shaken that have been tainted by the world’s systems.
In these times there is so much misinformation flying around the controlled media of television and newspapers. Social media is full of conspiracy theories. We cannot believe everything that comes from these sources, whether they are based on an element of truth, or not. I often ponder on the words God spoke to Job: “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?”, Job 38:2.
It is vital that we are guided by the Holy Spirit to witness to truth while praying that He will expose the lies. “Every lie that is told incurs a debt to the truth”….( a quote from the court hearing after the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, 1986). The present debt to the truth is immense globally. If we are unsure of anything, we can shelve it, meanwhile placing our trust in Almighty God, who cannot be shaken.
Hebrews 10:35 adjures us : “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense of reward”. There is a reward for trusting God! His peace and joy are the hallmarks of His presence and consequences of placing trust in Him. Psalm 91 is the birthright of every Believer in Christ. It is a safe place where fear and doubt cannot gain entrance.
The apostle, Paul, referred to times of ignorance that God winked at, allowed, for a season, (Acts 17:30), but that day is now over. God is not “winking” any more and requires us to seek and consult Him in every area of our lives. If I don’t consult God, I insult God! God wants to be wanted! He loves us and desires His best for us. His ways, thoughts and plans for us are so much higher and better than ours, (Isaiah 55:8, Jeremiah 29:11).
Let us remind ourselves of the profound quote, “We live our lives to the audience of One!”
We are living in tremendous times which bring tremendous opportunity for God to show His supernatural hand and power. We have wrongly placed our trust in so much that was not OF HIM! In this dispensation we must be diligent stewards of the life of God’s Son dwelling comfortably in us. Only as we “abide in The Vine”, (John 15), will the resurrected life of Jesus be seen in us.
Only as I trust whole heartedly, fully committed and surrendered, will I access the “rest” of God, (Hebrews 4:9-10). Jesus is the anchor of our souls. It is time to place our trust in the One who is upholding the whole earth. Only the things which cannot be shaken will remain. When it is time to fold it all up….Amen. Until that time, as children of the Most High God, we have nothing to fear if we hide ourselves in Him.
So often we try to fit God in our little box. He requires us to abandon ourselves to His vastness and declare, and prove, who He says He is: I AM THAT I AM! Let us embrace the challenge to trust Him in everything.
A belief in the impossible demands a refusal to believe the obvious!
God’s plans far supersede any of the world’s governments. His majestic plans will NEVER be thwarted by the interference of men.
In Christ alone we place our trust and declare, “True and righteous are ALL your ways, O Lord”.