Consider this:
The spending power of God Almighty is governed by the choice of his children.
A friend shared how he has two sons. On his way home from his work place one day, he picked up two application forms to apply for apprenticeships with the very reputable company he was with. He gave one to each of his sons who were considering their future careers. One son filled the form in, was accepted for an apprenticeship and fulfilled it. The company went on to finance him at college to obtain an engineering degree and the young man soared to the top of the opportunity ladder with the firm. He did so well he was given a job overseas and eventually made a company director, with all the accompanying assets of the position.
The other son did not bother to apply for the apprenticeship and is now working in a mundane job on a conveyor belt in a factory, often short of finance. There is nothing wrong with working in a factory, but both sons had exactly the same opportunity for a good career, but only one applied himself for the apprenticeship.
I repeat: The spending power of God Almighty is governed by the choice of His children.
Choice governs.
Psalm 78 is an indictment against the children of Israel. It records their murmuring against God, even though the Lord had performed such mighty miracles in their favour. Verse 41 says of them, “They turned back….and limited the Holy One of Israel.” How can I limit the Unlimited One?…. through wrong choices, through complaining and walking in unbelief, in stead of faith in what God has declared. Never allow circumstances, human reasoning and feelings to dictate. Only what the Word of God says is true. Don’t be like the children of Israel and settle for less than God’s best, believe for more. Exercise your faith in what God has said, in who He is and refuse the deception of a murmuring, lieing heart and the devil. Our warrant is the Word of God. Rest in the finished work of Calvary declaring God’s truth over your life. Don’t be deceived by your reasoning not based in what God has said. NO BUTS!! Let God be true.
How much more of God is there yet for me to enter into? Much more!
Psalm 78:36-37, speaking of the children of Israel again, “Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouth, and lied to Him with their tongues. For their heart was not right with Him, neither were they steadfast in His covenant.” We can be like these people. We love to worship the Lord in song when we come together, but we can neglect our side of the covenant with God by not applying what He has said in our daily circumstances: His words of life, the Word of God. The covenant is two sided. Everything has been done from Heaven’s side through the finished work of Calvary. My part is to apply it to my life and walk in it! To be “steadfast in His covenant” (verse 37), means I am settled and secure in the Word of God, applying it in my life. “Without faith it is impossible to please God“, Hebrews 11:6.
Right believing produces right living. Abundant life is our birthright. Let us this day make the trade, our old tattered garments of unbelief, for His royal robe of faith….. in Calvary’s finished work. Choose life!….and remember: The spending power of God Almighty is governed by the choice of His children.