To all who love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the Easter season is a profound reminder of the foundation of our salvation.  We celebrate the life, death and glorious resurrection of our risen Lord, but for us, Easter is in our hearts every day.  Through Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary, our birthright in Him is the provision to walk on resurrection ground each day.  Jesus, the Light of the world, lights our daily path and beckons us to journey with Him, our constant companion.

To unbelievers the true meaning of the season is either rejected, or unknown.  For these it can be about any of the following: chocolate eggs and rabbits -(a massive commercial project), extra time off work, two bank holidays in the U.K., family gatherings or alcohol celebrations.  The true meaning of the season celebrated is rarely found in their world.  They enjoy the season but do not honour the Reason for the season.

This principle can be observed in many walks in life.  When the Lord gave David Wilkerson favour and success in founding Teen Challenge in U.S.A., (a rehabilitation programme for people with addictions), the U.S. government wanted to know the success secret of the programme.  He explained he could take a thousand people and put them through the programme, but if the addicts did not embrace the person of Jesus Christ they were introduced to, during the programme, when they were released they would return to their addiction habit.  Everyone wants results, but not everyone wants the Maker of the results.  Jesus is the One who makes the difference and gives us new life.

The apostle, Paul, reminds us that the whole of creation is groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, (Romans 8).

A friend who had been attending a traditional church for a number of years was familiar with the record of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  One day he asked the Lord, “Did you really descend into Hell, Lord?”  In reply to his question the Lord gave him a vision of the event which is indelibly printed in his mind.  He described how he saw darkness, a dreadful waiting room for judgement, a stronghold of Satan, a gathering of demonic spirits, voices of Hell, the Accuser  – all in this jagged rock, a place of doom.

Remember that Jesus on the Cross had borne the sins of the whole world.  He had died a criminal’s death full of dishonour and shame.  Scripture records Jesus descent into Hell.  In his vision the friend saw how quickly and decisively Jesus broke into that room of rock.  His light blazed into that place, bursting the rock.  The demons had nowhere to hide and pressed themselves against the rock, squirming to get away from Him.  Just as quickly as He entered, Jesus blasted out the other side.  The devil and his demons knew they were doomed.  Jesus had triumphed in utter and complete victory, conquering death and Hell.  “He arose, a Victor from the dark domain”, is a line from the hymn “Lo, in the grave He lay, Jesus my Saviour “, penned by Robert Lowry.  “Death could not keep its prey, He tore the bars away…..”   Hallelujah!  What a Saviour!

Our risen Saviour is very much alive, in our hearts, in our lives today.  We rejoice in His faithfulness to us, confident in His calling to be conformed to the image of His likeness.  He is our Pattern Man, the firstborn of many sons and daughters of the King.  We find our true calling in daily surrender to His will and direction, as we journey along together.  In Him we are complete. Yes……He is risen, and our heavenly Father’s joy is to see the life of His Son risen and active in you, and me.  Shine, Jesus, shine through us…… that we may bring glory to Your name.

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash