1Peter 4:10 challenges us, “As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the MANIFOLD grace of God.”
The definition of “manifold” is “numerous and varied.” The above scripture speaks of the manifold grace of God. There is a whole revelation of God’s manifold grace and if I do not understand the full spectrum of it, I only have a small portion of grace.
R.T Kendall wrote of “common grace” – being “….the true light, which lights every man that comes into the world,” John 1:9
COMMON GRACE Everyone is born with this light, i.e. conscience.
SAVING GRACE When a person is “born again” into the Kingdom of God.
PARDONING GRACE When a person repents and asks God’s forgiveness for sins and receives pardon through the shed
blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary.
CHANGING GRACE When a man walks transparently and gives God the glory for pardoning grace in his testimony, then
changing grace is bestowed. If God is not given the credit, (glorified), for pardoning grace, there will
be no changing grace as “God will not give His glory, (the credit due to His holy name), to another.”
KEEPING GRACE Oh, how man needs a Keeper! The old hymn states, “Every hour I need Thee….” Keeping grace from
the hand of God keeps man on the right path. He is my keeper!
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God was sinless, so He did not need pardoning or changing grace, but when He left Heaven and came to Earth, “……….and was made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled Himself………..” Philippians 2:7-8, Jesus needed “keeping grace” from His Father because he became like us, as a man. He was our pattern man. He demonstrated to us the “keeping” grace of God. It is available to us.
So, the manifold grace of God is for the glory of God. Whenever I take one tiny part of it to my character, God removes it from my life. His is all the glory!
Tongue/Interpretation during our Fellowship this morning.
The mountain is high, but the valley is low, but there is that which cannot grow on the mountain but must be nourished in the valley. On the mountain it is exhilarating, the wind in your face….it seems like life and everything is yours! It calls out your strength and your glory – but in the valley you have no glory. It is lonely, quiet, but there is a reality that is cast aside on the mountain. There is bruising in the valley, but in the valley there are waters, but you must go DOWN to the valley. Come to the waters where the vegetation grows – but you must go DOWN to the valley. There are no green pastures or still waters on the mountain. You must come to the valley alone, communicate with your God. There is no place for your glory, but here, He will reveal Himself to you. You can be naked with Him with no pretence, and He will reveal Himself to you in such love that you cannot find on the mountain.
He is the God of the valley and the mountain.
This tongue/interpretation came after singing about the River of God.
Man has made his dams, man has made his lakes, man has tried to stop the river – but the Lord your God will move in mighty floods. Man will continue to try and stop the river but his endeavours will be swallowed up by the Almighty.
Step into it! Do not resist it! Flow with it and enter into the FULLNESS OF GOD!