When visiting the doctor with a physical complaint, it is imperative to specifically describe the ailment. For example, if my right knee was painful, it would be unhelpful to the doctor to just inform him that my leg hurt. In order for him to diagnose and treat the injury, he would need detailed information regarding the offending knee.
In the surgery of the Holy Spirit, He also needs specifics to deal with the root of our issues and problems that are preventing a fuller walk with the Lord Jesus. The difference in the consulting room of the Holy Spirit is that He knows the root of our problem. In order for us to be free of whatever is holding us back, in God’s timing, He will reveal to us, “under His mighty hand”, the root of our problem. It could be a number of things in a certain area of our lives: fear, unforgiveness, bitterness etc. Whatever it is, it has a root, a come from, that needs to be owned, acknowledged, before I can disown it and be free.
Very often, we can recognise a fear in our lives, and maybe, request the Lord to dispel the fear, or ask others to pray for us to be rid of it. God requires something more. In order to be rid of fear, we first have to recognise that all fear is built on a lie. 2 Timothy 1:7 declares “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind”. Fear is the devil’s tool to trip us up. If we allow him a foothold by embracing fear, he will play havoc with our mind and life. Jesus declared the devil to be the father of all lies, (John 8:44). As he is the father of such, his children are the lies we believe, and fathers have visiting rights for their children!!! That is how he gains a foothold on our lives. We give the devil back the ground that Jesus took from him at Calvary.
Learn to recognise fear when it attempts an inroad to our blood-bought life and rebuke it with the word of God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding”, Proverbs 3:5 Our own understanding contains all the “what if’s” of fear. Choose to deal with fear in all it’s forms of “what if” by immediately disowning the thoughts and replace them with God’s word. God is big enough to deal with whatever comes our way, after all, He’s been on a big job before you know, He created the world and everything in it!!!!
Jesus is the full expression of all truth. He declared that Satan, the prince of this world, comes and finds nothing in Him to gain a foothold, (John 14: 30). So it is with us when we walk in ALL truth and have owned the lie we are believing through fear. Only what God says is true. Choose to believe His word. Refuse sense knowledge from a heart that is out of order, believing a lie from the devil. Romans 3:4 “Let God be true and every man a liar”. My responsibility is to choose to “let God”, declaring and believing His word. Allow God to have the last word. As we repent before the Lord for not trusting Him with our present and future, the devil will have no further hold on us. He lives in the dark and hates truth. He cannot survive in the light and truth. John 8:36 declares of Jesus: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”. Truth is creative, it makes free. The devil cannot create, he imitates, bluffs and lies. Truth pops his balloon of hot air!
Fear is always built on a lie. Deal with fear and fear stays near,
Deal with the lie, and fear will die.
Learn to nail the lie of wrong believing!
Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”. No longer a slave to fear, free indeed!
Photo by Moritz Mentges on Unsplash