Revelation 19 prophesies the forthcoming marriage supper of the Lamb of God, when He, the Lord Jesus Christ, claims His Bride, the Church.
Revelation 19:7 declares “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife has made herself ready.”
I need to know where my responsibility lies in “making myself ready.” Whilst believing all that is contained in scripture because it is “in the Book,” there is still a diverse range in believing causing much division regarding “end times” – eschatology. I can get “hung up” or confused trying to understand all the different doctrines along this line, but, confusion is not of God! The books of Timothy and Titus have much to say regarding sound doctrine, which produces godly edifying, not confusion. However, the doctrines of man are a mixture with a measure of truth that produces confusion. The simplicity of Christ is lost in the mixture of trying to understand it all.
My part in “making myself ready” is to walk humbly with my God. Micah 6:8 answers the question to what God requires of me, “….to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with my God.”
I need to prioritise hearing God’s voice and walking in the truth that He reveals to me. If I humble and empty, He will guide.
God has a TREMENDOUS day ahead for His people. We know in our spirit that there is something coming far more wondrous than we see. God’s Spirit witnesses to our spirit that we are on the brink.
The Gospel is a “whosoever” Gospel for all mankind, but each one of us has to choose to receive God’s gift of salvation – then man’s responsibility is to respond to God’s Holy Spirit leadings in each of our lives – “to make ourselves ready.” Remember, God often comes “in disguise,” in the form of another member of the Body, and we can refuse Him, set ourselves up and miss “making ourselves ready.”
Paul, the Apostle, prayed that we would receive spiritual understanding which is necessary to understand the things of God. Our natural mind is soulish and we often wrongly apply it. Fear cannot function in the Spirit. It has no rights or place in the Kingdom of God.
James 3:17 declares “The wisdom of God is first pure and then peaceable…..” We often receive a mixture and then have to sort it out. When I partake of the Tree of Life it is pure – there is no mixture, but, there is much taught that brings division because it is a mixture based on truth, but including a lie.
Church history records much division and controversy because of the mixture of truth and lies. There is no lie in the truth, but there can be a measure of truth in a lie. If I do not open myself up to Christ, this mixture will be produced in me. My readiness, (making myself ready), is to disappear into Christ, lose my identity. It does not matter what Jesus does because He ALWAYS does the Father’s will, – so if I disappear into Him He will live His life in and through me. I will be unaware of it, – so all the glory goes to God, and my Heavenly Father will be well pleased.
My unity is not in “what” I believe, but “Who” I believe in, as what I believe is always changing. The abiding presence of Christ in me can overcome differences in other people, thus I am travelling light, nothing to uphold, nothing to prove, nothing to cling to except the Cross, the Blood and the Word – because in these there is no division.
God made me who I am, man tries to make me something else and conform……………. My prayer is, “Dear Lord, please help me to be what You made me to be, and to live my life as a gift back to You. Amen.”
I have just finished reading a grouping of these teachings, and am profoundly blessed by the truth that has revealed the lie’s hiding in my life, therefore granting me knowledge to apply with wisdom how to walk as God the Father has set the standard for me to walk. I have been failing to maintain Christ in my life while chaos surrounds me. After reading these teachings, the puzzle just assembled, to bring to me biblical order/strategy/wisdom to effect this needed change. Now to obey and surrender.
The Apostle Paul spoke of different believers planting seed, and others watering the seed, ….. but God giving the increase. So I give thanks to God for now opening my eyes through these annointed ‘messages’. To the actual author who chose to remain unknown, please know you were greatly used of the Lord this night. I was Born Again in 1982, and if only in my mind, have zealously cried out to God for many, many years. To my mind, it is no small matter to be profoundly changed as I just have been. As referenced in these teachings citing the context of Math 4:4, I have just received a sent word from the Lord. Somehow, some way your unique gifting made clear what I before could not see. This lack of strategy was keeping all Jesus purchased for me, from my life, and peace to my family. This sinful paralyzing beast was preventing our family from moving forward with God. I know in my spirit how to address the specific personal circumstance in my life. Just as ‘ sweet’ to me as if when Moses heard audibly(shaking and rejoicing at the same time). Thank you kindly for sharing, and may God continue to fill you with his presence to reveal his Glory. Thanks be to God for giving me a key to change who I am, so I may be more like who he wants me to be. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing. You have no idea how long I have been crying out for a strategy to allow God to reign in my life and remove the dysfunction I have been mired in. It all is so simple, and yet as God is, so profound.
May God return this blessing upon you, with more wisdom in your life, so you also may remain “in him.” Richard