In the Fellowship on Sunday we sang:
I’m anointed to anoint, I sit at Jesus’ feet,
Break open the box and anoint Him with my tears,
Out of my brokenness, out of my failure,
I find my true calling, I’m anointed to anoint.”
Let us consider the words “Out of my brokenness, out of my failure, I find my TRUE CALLING.” Have I, have you, firstly understood that the calling of God on my life is a vocation greater than any presidential appointment, ministerial appointment in politics, or any career choice in life’s time span? I am called by the Creator of heaven and earth. I am the choice of Almighty God, called to live my life to His glory. There is no greater purpose in the life He has given me on this earth, than to fulfill this destiny.
Having understood this, I then realise that privilege requires responsibility. The call demands a response. Returning to the words of the song: “Out of my brokenness, out of my failure, I find my true calling.” In the world’s system, brokenness and failure are not considered the criteria for successful living. The world has a very negative attitude to people displaying such and, very often, rejects and disqualifies them from acceptable society.
This is not so in God’s kingdom. Psalm 51:17 “A broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise“.
Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a BROKEN HEART and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
As for failure, Peter’s failure was the experience needed to break him of his pride and his trust in his own strength and determination, before the Holy Spirit equipped him, in his brokenness, to stand at Pentecost and declare with a God-given boldness to all in ear shot, “Ye have denied the Holy One!!“, Acts 3:14.
The criteria, or hallmark, of the call of God on my life is expressed in the character of the indwelling of Another, Jesus Christ. All the character traits of Jesus should be manifest in His life living and flowing out through me. These are: humility, meekness, teachability, the position of being easily entreated etc.
When I have grasped these truths I find a confidence beginning to grow in me which is not of me. It is a growth in grace. Paul says, “We are they that have no confidence in the flesh“, Philippians 3:3 However, confidence is vital in every successful avenue of life. No business man can attain to success without self confidence. But our confidence must be in the One who has called us, not in ourselves:
John3:19-21 “And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, THEN HAVE WE CONFIDENCE TOWARDS GOD.”
Confidence in the One who called me is part of the equipping to fulfill the calling, or vocation. We are ambassadors for Christ, (2 Corinthians 5:20) An ambassador is a representative of another kingdom in a foreign country. We are representatives of God’s kingdom in the kingdom of this world. We are in the world, but not of it.
God is waiting for His people, the Body of Christ to respond to the call on their lives, to step onto the waters, knowing, in confidence, that He who has called us will perform that which He has promised!