In the foreknowledge of God and the mystery of predestination, we find ourselves in the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
Romans 8:29 – “For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son.”
When we received the Lord Jesus into our hearts at salvation, we were overshadowed by the Holy Ghost and received the incorruptible seed of the Indwelling Christ. 1 Peter 1:23 “Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of INCORRUPTIBLE, by the word of God, which lives and abides forever.”
How astounding! We have the holy D.N.A. of the Son of God within us, all contained in that incorruptible seed. A seed produces after its own kind. A flower seed will not produce a vegetable, nor vice versa.
The seed determines the fruit. As Jesus is the full expression of all the fullness of God, His incorruptible seed in you and me, has the full potential to reproduce after its own kind and manifest the abundant life of the Son of God released through us.
So, we have established that the seed determines the fruit, but we must also consider the fact that the environment the seed is growing in, also determines the quality of the fruit and the yield. Jesus gave the parable of the Sower and the Seed to demonstrate this, (Matthew 13). My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit where He seeks to dwell comfortably within. My responsibility is to make my heart the right environment for the incorruptible seed to grow and develop, to walk each day in humility, that the fullness of the Son may live His life in me. We have often stated that my heart is the same fertile ground for God….or the devil! If I sow the seed of the word of God there, it will produce after its own kind – a godly harvest, but if I am believing the devil’s lies instead of God’s truths, I give the devil a permit to sow his seed in my field to produce a crop of his confusion in my life. When I cry to the Lord in despair for help, He will hear and show me where I need to humble and repent. When I embrace His loving chastisement, at the Father’s appointed time, He will produce crop failure of the devil’s seed in my field.
Every day we make choices and all our choices have consequences, whether good or bad. Scripture encourages us, Joshua 24:15, “….choose this day whom you will serve….” Let us call on the Holy Spirit to direct us and strengthen us to make right choices, that we, too, may declare, “…but as for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Some negative consequences may not be changed quickly, but when we have humbled and repented before the Lord for past wrong choices, He will walk with us each day. His presence carries His grace and mercy, now His peace strengthens and enables me to stand in Him and endure. The secret of the Lord is that His presence changes everything in my out look on life and now I find, like the apostle Paul, that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13. His daily presence gives me a joy that is independent of my circumstances as I walk with Him and He teaches me His ways.
Jesus gave the parable of the Sower to His disciples. When He expounded on its meaning spiritually, He mentioned that the seed that fell on good ground yielded crops of some thirtyfold, some sixty and some a hundredfold yield, ( Mark 4:20). Consider this: If a field yields 30%, what is in the other 70% of the field? Could it be stones? The seed cannot produce a good yield on stony ground. I need to ask the Holy Spirit to search my field with His love light and show me the stones that need to be removed. The stones can take the form of many things – false securities, false identity, my rights, my will, selfishness, unforgiveness – the list is endless. I may not even be aware of my stone until the Holy Spirit answers my prayer and enlightens me. Why would I want to hang on to the right to myself when another measure of the fullness of the Son of God is being offered to me? When the stone has been divinely removed after my surrender, there is more fertile ground in my field for the seed of the word of God to be planted. Jesus is the Living Word! He seeks those who will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, John 4:23-24.
We are all at different stages of our earthly, spiritual journey. When I am in a Gathering and receive revelation or the touch of the anointing, the power of God, I am edified and encouraged as my spirit is quickened. These mountain top experiences are to encourage me in the valleys I have to walk through when they come in everyday circumstances. At my lowest point in the week, when I fail or feel discouraged, this is the indicator of where I am, truly, in God – where the rubber hits the road! These are the opportunities I have to see God in ALL things, to thank Him, (not for), but that He is with me in the trials of my faith. This is where the gold of God is forged in my life as I make Him Lord and Master of all my circumstances. I do not have to lose the consciousness of His presence to a situation, I can invite Him in, instead of reacting to the negatives of daily living. God wants to be wanted! He desires us to see Him in ALL things, instead of blaming others or the devil. Let us give our loving Heavenly Father the preeminence He demands and deserves for those who seek the fullness of His Son in their lives.
Let us remind ourselves that we have this confidence in Him: as we put all trust in Him, abandon our false securities and get out of our depths into the unfathomable depths of His love, we will not sink because His almighty hand will uphold us, and our fields will produce a good crop, a higher yield to the glory of God.
Thank you for this beautiful website and wonderful articles.