Our God is not confined to “Sundays”, or any other day of the week we gather together in corporate worship in song, or to feed on His word. Hebrews 3: 7-8 exhorts us: “…..Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”. An undivided heart trusts God in the valleys of our journey and refuses doubt and unbelief. When these two unwelcome guests come knocking on our heart’s door, this is the time to raise our shield of faith to forbid them entry, not to allow them to become bed fellows. They are the devil’s territory, his children, and as father of these lies we entertain, we allow the devil visiting rights to his children. Learn to nail the lies of unbelief and doubt, they have no place in children of the Light.
We can hear God’s voice every day. Keep a thankful heart in every situation. God is in control. Every trial is a learning experience to trust Him in a deeper way and walk more closely with Him. As the old hymn exhorts: “Trust and obey” (J.H. Sammis).
Do I recognise God’s call on my life? Some believe that only Ministers have that special calling. When I entered in through the door of salvation, the love of God was birthed in my heart. Romans 8:28-29 declares that those who love God are THE CALLED according to His purpose, (which is to be conformed to the image of His Son.) My daily choices can either hasten, or hinder, the journey to the fullness of God’s Son being conformed in me.
Every child of God is called to minister, firstly to God, and secondly before men. Colossians 3: 23-24 “And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men; knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ”.
God makes no distinction between ministry in the home, the family, the workplace, anything secular, the mission field or the platforms in our churches. There is a need to see God’s call on our life as our vocation in the workshop of life. Our first call is to do everything TO Him. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “…….or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God”. How we conduct ourselves in secular, daily life is part of our worship. Worshipping the Lord in song is wonderful and uplifts our spirits, but that is only a part of our worship. Do I firstly live my life to “an audience of One”? God sees the motive of my heart in everything I do. Is it to please Him, or to please men and gain their favour or flatter my flesh? Our Lord Jesus had one motive in everything He did, to please His Father.
We often make reference to the tumultuous times we are living in and our need to keep our eyes on the Lord, reminding ourselves that HIS KINGDOM RULES OVER ALL! (Psalm 103:19) Galatians 4:22 reminds us of Abraham’s two sons: Ishmael, the son of the bondwoman, a slave/servant, and Isaac, the son of a free woman. It is an allegory here to remind us that we are not children of the bondwoman, but free born under the new covenant. We are no longer slaves to sin after the old nature, for Christ has made us free, not to please ourselves, but to serve Him and enjoy the liberty He won for us at Calvary. There is joy in serving Jesus and living to please Him.
In this new found freedom in Christ, the apostle Paul encourages us to apply it to our daily living choices:
Galations 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage”.
Are you entertaining a yoke of bondage? Jesus came to free us of all that chains us to heaviness of heart and spirit. It has no place on His resurrection ground. What you believe rules you. Exchange it at the foot of the Cross for the freedom of your birthright in Christ. Wrong believing produces bondage. Right believing produces right living, and freedom in Christ.
Stand fast in the liberty that Christ has made you free……Today, if you will hear His voice…….Choose Life and walk in His freedom as you worship in the workshop of life.
Photo by marya_volk on Unsplash