A belief in the impossible DEMANDS a REFUSAL to believe the obvious!
Joshua chapters 3 and 4 record the event of God rolling back the mighty waters of the river Jordan, in order that the children of Israel could cross over into the Promised Land. This was an impossible situation that only Almighty God could perform. God divided the waters and gave the people a safe passage through Jordan.
All the generation that came out of Egypt died in the wilderness wanderings because of their unbelief, apart from Joshua and Caleb. These two were of a different spirit and were chosen to lead the new nation all born in the wilderness. They refused discouragement and dismay at negative reports of the giants in the Promised Land. God had proved Himself in the miraculous on a daily basis. They believed God’s word and refused to be discouraged by the sight of their eyes, the obvious – the giants in the land and the heathen nations.
On the threshold of crossing Jordan, we read in Joshua chapter 1, God’s words of encouragement, promise and direction to Joshua to lead the nation onwards. “…..arise and go over this Jordan, you and all this people…every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given to you, as I said to Moses……there shall not any man be able to stand before you…..I will not fail you nor forsake you….be strong and of good courage….observe to do according to all the law which Moses, my servant, commanded you. Turn not to the right nor the left, that you may prosper wherever you go….be strong and of good courage, be not afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.
The river Jordan was the boundary to the Promised Land. God performed the impossible and gave them safe passage to their inheritance. No man could roll those waters back, but God did. When the inhabitants of the land heard about it, the fear of God melted the hearts of the opposition, (Joshua 5:1).
We are on the threshold of a new dispensation in God, seeking to enter into the Promised Land. There are challenges that only God can accomplish, and He demands of us a refusal to believe the obvious, sense knowledge. He has been preparing us, teaching us not to be discouraged and dismayed at impossible and negative circumstances, not to be alarmed at the mountains and the giants we meet on our journey with Him. God has proved Himself to us that He is who He says He is, Almighty God. His word and His promises are sure and “will not return to Him void”.
Jesus was so one with His Father that He was never discouraged by circumstances. His heart was at rest in the midst of any storm or trial because He knew His Father was in control of any situation.
Joshua and Caleb were a tiny percentage of the millions of the generation that came out of Egypt and entered the Promised Land. They had been circumcised in Egypt, according to the Mosaic law. The new generation born in the wilderness had not been circumcised. Joshua 5 records God’s instruction to Joshua to circumcise them. We know that circumcision was part of the old covenant, which represents type and shadows of the new. Romans 2: 28-29 now instructs “He is not a Jew who is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God”.
When the children of Israel entered the Promised Land, God required circumcision, a cutting away of the flesh, (type and shadow). In the new covenant, according to the above scripture, God requires our hearts to be circumcised. What does this men? God requires a people who will not be moved by negative circumstances. A people who will not judge by the sight of their eyes of flesh, will not be moved by circumstances, having confidence that God is in control of all, expecting Him to roll back the waters of our Jordans, move our mighty mountains and slay the giants in our land. Dismay and discouragement are not the portion of members of the Body of Christ. Satan will always oppose a work of God, he hates it! It is his nature to rob, kill and destroy. We should expect it but not be daunted by it. We are not just conquerors, Romans 8:37 declares of us: “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us”. MORE than a conqueror! This is the birthright of the children of the Promised Land. We don’t view the giants as giants of discouragement and fear, but see them as opportunities to prove God! He is the mighty giant slayer. He is One who rolls back the Jordans in our life and gives us safe passage in His loving care of us.
Joshua 18:3 The people are rebuked. “How long are ye slack to go and possess the land, which the Lord God of your Fathers hath given you?” Can this be said of us? God has done His part in provision – “hath given”. It is a finished deal!!
God has implanted in us the resurrected life of His Son. We are indwelt by the Lord Jesus Christ. Heart circumcision is not widely understood in the Body of Christ, but so necessary to walk in our birthright in the Promised Land. A refusal of sense knowledge and reason has to be sacrificed, (eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 3). We are to partake of the Tree of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ, believing what God has said and promised overrules all contradictions and dismay. We will no longer be floored when things do not go as planned, trials appear and conflict manifests. Christ in us will manifest when we make Him Lord of ALL. The power of the resurrected Christ will work through a faceless people who will bear His name, and only Christ will be seen. All will know it is God at work, not His people. God will receive all the credit, all the glory……but we receive all the benefits of the Promised Land flowing with spiritual milk and honey.
Until you meet the impossible, you do not touch the resources of Almighty God!
Jesus said “…..With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26