We are on a journey from measure to fullness. Paul wrote in his epistle to the Corinthians that he had been “pressed out of measure”, for the divine purpose of learning to trust in God in every circumstance, and not to trust in himself, (2 Corinthians 1: 8-9)
When we feel the pressure of circumstances pressing against us, it is the time to abandon concern and trust in Almighty God, the great I AM. Here is the place that God has chosen for me to prove He is who He says He is. Whatever excuse I come up with in the negative, God replies, “But I AM that to you”, so I am without excuse.
Moses demonstrated this issue in his discourse with the Lord, when God called him and gave him the commission to lead the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt to the Promised Land, (Exodus chapters 3&4). Moses knew that, of himself, he was not qualified or able to fulfil the commission, but every excuse he gave the Lord, God told him that he would be equipped by Himself, the great I AM THAT I AM. The call of God is accompanied by the equipping of God, supernaturally. This is the glory of God for His divine purposes. Thus the stammering, slow of speech Moses, was called and equipped by Almighty God and became the great leader of his nation.
When God shows up I am without excuse. I AM THAT I AM! He lives with me in the present tense and does not revert to the past or the future. I need to learn to live in the IS of God. His name dispels any excuse I may give Him. If I say I’m not well educated – no excuse!….I don’t like public speaking – no excuse! I’ve so often got it wrong – no excuse! I discover (just like Moses) that it is not about me, but about who He is! Jesus Christ has come to live His life in me –“Christ in you, the hope of glory”, God’s glory. The divine Potter seeks to make His vessels fit for purpose, His purposes, to extend His kingdom through His vessels of mercy.
If I do not walk in what He has shown and given me, then I insult Him! He has taken all my excuses and nailed them to His Cross, making available to me His triumphant life. What an insult to Him when I waste time trying to take them back again. Why wear the grave clothes of the past when He has given me His royal robe? God wants us out of our own depths and sufficiency and abandoned to the all sufficiency of His love provision. Let us take that step of faith in the place that He chooses,…….. to prove He is who He says He is – the All-sufficient One!